The Short Version
It went very very well. The bride looked beautiful, the weather was nice and everyone was happy.
The Really Long Version with Pictures
At 9.25 am my SIL came by my house to pick me up (DH and I only have one car and he needed it to take the kids to my in-laws). She looked tired but not as nervous as I expected. We spent 2.5 hours at the hairdresser, having our hair and makeup done and trying not to stress out about the weather, which by then looked pretty bad. It was nice to be away from the chaos at my in-laws though, as I predicted.
At 12.30 we arrived at my in-laws and started getting dressed, since the photographer was already there and everyone else was ready, except the kids. I started dressing R, who was way too excited about her “princess dress” and couldn’t possibly wait a minute longer. About 2 minutes later she starts screaming that her shoes are too tight and it’s hurting. Thankfully, there is a kids shoes store right next to my in-laws house and it’s open on Saturdays, so one of my SIL’s friends offered to go there with R and buy new shoes. But for a moment there I was imagining her walking down the aisle barefoot.

After spending 15 minutes buttoning up 30 or so buttons in SIL’s dress (my fingers were seriously sore afterwards) she was finally ready and she looked absolutely lovely.

Many (too many) pictures later, at 2.30 pm, we finally left for the church, and by then the weather was even worse. It never rained though, thank God. Apparently, most people did end up coming to the ceremony instead of watching the game because the church was full. However, several people were getting text messages when Portugal scored, so everyone was well informed about the really important stuff.
The ceremony went very well, the choir sang beautifully and there were lots of tears and smeared make up. It was beautiful.
By the end of the ceremony the weather had began to get better and it was nice enough to have the cocktail and pictures outdoors. The party was lovely, the food was great, the music was a bit too loud and everyone danced for hours. R danced like crazy, holding her princess dress up and spinning around. She really wanted to dance with this 5 year old boy who was too shy to dance with her but wouldn’t take his eyes of her. Too funny. At about 11 pm my parents left the party and took both my kids home with them which was heaven. I finally got to eat something and dance with my husband.
At 2 am I went to help my SIL get out of her wedding dress (another 15 minutes to unbutton) and change into something more comfortable. Then she went back to say goodbye to her parents and her siblings, and there were even more tears (including mine this time). I was so tired I could barely walk by then, but it was worth it. It all went perfectly.
The Dresses
My oldest SIL did in fact take the pregnant dress but it seems she gained a bit more weight and she did look kinda pregnant. It wasn’t quite the effect I had expected but it wasn’t too bad. Unfortunately she was so late she didn’t come to my in-laws before the ceremony so I have no picture of her. I will try to get one from some else’s camera though.
My SIL the dentist took the pornographic dress and looked awful. I wish there was a nicer way to put it but there isn’t. It was tragic and everyone was commenting. She wore a scarf over her shoulders and cleavage to church, which was my mom’s idea. It was a smart move and probably why my FIL didn’t freak out. Here’s the picture, though it doesn’t really make it justice:

My SIL the nun looked good and it wasn’t so hot that she looked ridiculous in the blazer. She’s nun, we didn’t expect her to look sexy right?

My youngest SIL looked great and I guess she finally realized the importance of having a good hairdresser and a good make up.

And here is a picture of me and the kids:

That’s it folks.