Wow, it’s been a month already! We went on our ski trip a few days after I wrote that last post and when I came back things had kinda accumulated at work and it has taken me a while to get everything back on track.
Anyway, the ski trip was amazing, R absolutely loved it and she is a pro at skiing. We had a great time and really rested and I really took my mind off work. The only down side was how much we missed M, and we decided this was the last trip we took without him. And he really missed R too, poor guy.
Last Saturday, we found a lump in R’s neck and yesterday we decided to take her to the ped to have a look at it. It is about the size of a nut and seems the have fluid inside. The ped sent us to the hospital where she had an ultrasound and did some blood work and they finally decided they have no idea what it is. So they want to have it removed and analysed. And so we’re in for surgery in a few days. I’ll keep you updated and if you can, say a small prayer for us.
At 1:11 AM,
Lilian said…
Oh my dear, that's so scary! I'll pray for R and your family. Let us know how it went.
At 7:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh - kids always in your care.
At 6:56 AM,
Lioness said…
It must be a very scary thing, all of it. I think that the fact that it is filled with fluid is a good sign, it usually is with our animals.
I'm reallt sorry this is happening, I know how frightening lumps are in general, and to have your child undergo surgery, no matter how minor, and then have to wait for the histopath report - no parent should have to go through this and yes, I'll be thinking of you and firmly waiting for all the good updates.
At 3:29 PM,
Lioness said…
You didn't say when the surgery was going to take place, for some reason I was convinced it was today. Please let us know so chronologically-fit vibes can be sent your way.
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