The Wedding - Season 3, Episode II
I realize now how small this “wedding season” was, with only two episodes. This is due as much to the lack of drama this third season brought as it is to the lack of time I’ve had to write about it.
Everything went pretty much according to plan. On Saturday I woke up at 7.30 am and called the bride to wake her up and tell her I would pick her up in half an hour to take her to the salon. Of all the people who could’ve taken this task apparently I, the mother of two young children who also needed to be woken up, dressed and fed before the event, was the most appropriate one.
At 8.30 we were at the salon getting our hair, nails and makeup done. By 11.30 we were at my in-laws, where my husband had already arrived with the kids and our outfits. The whole family was there to take pictures and accompany the bride in her last hours as a single girl.
This included Oldest BIL’s girlfriend, which was awkward, as expected. But all things considered, I think everyone behaved exceptionally well towards her and I think she felt as welcome as she would possibly feel under the circumstances.
The ceremony was at 2 pm. R was a flower girl and M was the ring bearer. They looked cute and very concentrated in their respective roles. (Will post pictures as soon as I have time to download them). The groom was nervous, the bride was radiant, there were tears and everyone was happy.
At 10:59 AM,
Lioness said…
All in all it went splendidly then, as it should have. I'm happy for all of you and looking forward to the pictures!
At 4:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
That was a short season indeed! Glad it went so well.
At 1:28 AM,
Lilian said…
I'm glad everything went well and I can't wait to see pictures.
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