Going into my cave for awhile
Things are not good. I didn’t get the promotion I was expecting after all. The reason I didn’t get it, and I am now quoting my boss, was “not a question of output, but rather of a precedent you are creating by leaving at 6.45 pm every day. Next thing you know, I’ll have the other girls getting pregnant and asking me to leave at 6.45 pm “.
So, not because I don’t do a good enough job, but rather because I create a dangerous precedent, I don’t get the promotion and am subtly asked to start looking for something else.
I can obviously say to hell with them, but the fact is I’m sad. I love my job, I love what I do and I don’t see myself doing anything else. And I feel profoundly wronged, I feel this is all so unfair, I hate it that others whose work is not as good as mine have gotten the promotion I was hoping for because they get out later than I do. I’m so hurt I’ve been on the verge of tears several time today. And I hate that.
Anyway, I’ll start looking for a new job, and even though my boss says there’s no hurry and that he is not pressuring me in any way, now that all has been said, I want out as soon as possible.
And now I crawl back into my cave.
At 6:18 PM,
Lioness said…
And to think I came in to arrange for lunch next week! Oh that bloody wanker, Ana, how dare he! HOW DARE HE! You are an excellent worker and are thus rewarded?? You do need to find a new job, where people appreciate what you manage to accomplish during the day, not how long you were there regardless of what you did! You ove your job but surely you will be able to love other jobs? Maybe if ou have a woman as a boss it would be different. What a bloody, bloody git, I cannot believe this.
Please enjoy the weekend, you are so dedicated and responsible, something better will come up, surely. You will make it happen. Um bj grande.
At 6:43 PM,
Ana said…
Actually, the who told me why I wasn't being promoted is my boss's boss, and she is a woman, so that doesn't really make a diference. Can you imagine that?
At 9:36 PM,
Tiffany said…
Ana, I am so so sorry this has happened to you. Leaving at 6:45 in this country would be very late, how late does he expect you to stay. Geesh. Many, many (((HUGS)))
At 2:22 AM,
L said…
Oh, Ana, this is awful, really, really terrible!! Why is it that women and particularly MOTHERS need to be discriminated against like this? This is outrageous! No wonder you're so sad and crushed. I hope with all my heart that you can find a wonderful job in which you're happy and, at the same time, you don't need to be guilty about being a mother and spending time with your family. I'll be praying for you.
Um abraco apertado.
At 2:58 AM,
portuguesa nova said…
Ughhhhhh....this makes my blood boil.
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