I'm about to kill my pet
R, has any other 5 year old child, I imagine, has been insistently asking for a puppy for the past… I don’t know, 3 years or so. Although I love dogs and have nearly brought home a 1 month old golden retriever a friend of mine offered last week, I do not think we can have a dog in a city apartment which is empty all day. It just wouldn’t work.
My parents, always the best grandparents in the world, have decided that the kids need a pet and if we won’t give them a puppy then they will take the matter into their own hands. So the kids got a canary for Christmas. A bright orange canary. And R named him Victor (no idea why, it’s such an uncommon name here). I actually like the bird, it’s beautiful and I like all animals, really.
But (you knew there would be a but right?), I think I may be starting to regret having accepted the gift. It started with M telling every one of our friends and family members he has a new “caraio” (you non-portuguese speaking people will not understand the seriousness of this, but it sounds just like a swear word for penis, which is really, really embarrassing). When he said that to my MIL I nearly died.
Then I realized I would be the one cleaning the cage (which I absolutely have to do every couple of days because I just can’t let the poor bird live in a dirty cage), but it’s really not that much trouble, to be honest.
The worse part is when the damn bird decides to start “singing” with the first light of dawn. This morning it was at 7.30 am. And I still had half an hour to sleep. It doesn’t seem to bother anyone else but it just kills me because I'm a light sleeper and no matter hown many doors I close I just can't stop hearing it. Especially on weekends. And what will happen when the days start getting longer and the sun rises at 6 am? This morning I could’ve have killed him, seriously.
What do I do? How do I shut the damn thing up? Help!
At 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
What about black-out curtains to prevent him from seeing the sunrise? Or a very dark cover on his cage?
At 2:51 PM,
Lioness said…
Good God, "caraio"?? Oh I'm laughing, I'm laughing hard and not sure what I find funnier to picture, her infinite innocence, your face or your MIL's! I was an AFS'er and we once had a Dutch student tell her host family, after having just visited Mafra, that she loved the big - well, she didn't say "carrilhões", let's put it that way.
Now, for the birdie, keep Victor's (VICTOR!) cage covered during the night with some opaque cloth. It's not a bad thing actually, birds are often subjected to a photoperiod that far exceeds their natural one so if the cage is covered and the house is quiet it should emulate his natural habitat. Now, Victor should also be taken to the vet for a general check-up, preferably an exotic vet, just to make sure all is well (his sake and all of yours, of course). I know some good ones,let me know if you want a reference. Above all, make sure you're feeding him the right mix, very often commercial ones have rather poor seed ratios and the birds get sick. I'll ask one of the Drs at school what she recommends if I see her, shall I? But all in all they're very low maintenance and the singing is lovely when not first thing in the morning. (Also, *clears throat*, very often here the cages aren't big enough for the birds, bird should be able to stretch wings and hop from perch to perch. Wooden perches are the best.) Whatever you do NO TURTLES ever! Children in general but certainly below 5 should have no contact with them whatsoever bcs of salmonellosis, all chelonians and reptiles harbour Salmonella. Just FYI, should anyone decide to add to the menagerie.
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, just a dark cover for the cage. Clean water, and whatever magic food L comes up with.
But a vet visit? Probably cost more than the price of the bird. (sounds like a vet talking there)
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Ana, definitely cover that bird up w/ a dark blanket and then when you wake up and are ready for it to wake up, remove the cover. Hope this works! LOL
At 1:26 AM,
Lilian said…
Oh, boy!!! I wish I could have seen your MIL's face when her sweet tiny grandson uttered that word! :)
It was funny, but in that strange way of something that's not really funny.
I hope the great suggestions given by everyone work and you can stand living with your canary for a while longer.
I'm glad you didn't take the dog. My best friends in Brazil made the foolishness of buying a golden retriever for their sons' third birthday and they had to give it away. The dog was too big for the little guy.
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