In which I turn this into an album
It was never my intention to turn this blog into a picture album but it is becoming one pretty fast. I promise that once I go back to work I will turn it back into some sort of journal, though I have yet to figure out what kind.
Anyway, a small update is due so here it goes. Everything is still going great with Manel. He is a very quiet baby, though he now spends several hours awake and alert. He is starting to sleep through the night every now and then, which is heaven. I am still exclusively breastfeeding him and I plan on doing so until I return to work.
I have been spending most my days with my sister, and preparing for the Baptism and R's birthday. Yesterday my sister and I got our gym memberships so we should start going next week. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Manel has started to smile! Here's the proof, though it came out really bad.

And here is a picture of the babies together