Bad blogger
I know I have been a bad blogger lately, and I promisse to try and post more often from now on. I could try to blame it on Manel but the fact is he's a saint and I've just been both busy and lazy.
I've been spending most of my time with my sister making all the aranjements for the boys' baptisms. M's is going to be on the 10th of December and D's on the 17th. Then yesterday we had a dinner party at a friend's house, and today we're having a friend over for lunch, and tomorrow I'll have some of my girlfriends over for tea. So, as you can see, our crazy life is back to normal.
M is really a great baby. He's always happy to be in his bouncy seat, he hardly ever cries, he eats pretty much when I decide it's time to, which is about every 3 and 1/2 hours during the day, and he always makes a 6 hour strecth at night. He's so different from R it's hard to believe they're siblings. R wanted to be held all the time, she was always hungry and she would wake up every 2 hours to eat, day and night. I'm still having a hard time believing this is for real and I keep waiting for him to change.
So this is pretty much what I have to tell you. Life with a newborn is not very exciting from the outside I guess. I'll post more pictures soon.
At 3:19 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
Come on, with a newborn and a second kid we know you have loads of time on your hands for things like postings.;>)
Thanks for telling us about the kids.
At 9:57 PM,
L said…
C'mon Ana, don't keep waiting for him do change, what if he does? (LOL)
Just ENJOY!!! Lucky you, you have a great baby... and don't worry about blogging, I guess we'll be here for you when you find the time to "talk to us" - eu pelo menos estarei, OK?
De um beijinho naquela carinha de anjo do Manel, fala que foi da "tia" Lilian, ta bom? (e um beijo pra voce tambem :)
At 12:45 PM,
Lioness said…
Well, a tia Johnny não é tão querida quanto a tia Lilian and therefore DEMANDS pics bcs she actually knows it doesn't take all that long to upload AT ALL! Pics, pics, pics! How is R handling the new brother? Pray tell when you next feel un-lazy.
That being said, kudos for the saintliness, saintly babies are the best.
Verif word: YOWEL. Which I'll be doing if you don't start updating regularly.
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