On sibling rivalry
Some of you have been asking me how Rosarinho is reacting to her new baby brother. I must say that, for my own surprise, she seems to be doing extraordinarily well.
She loves him to pieces, she likes to cuddle with him, to kiss him, she wants to help with his bath, she wants to comb his hair and change his diaper. She is also quite possessive towards him. If my mom calls him "my baby" she immediately says he's her baby, or our baby. She calls him "my Manelinho" and refuses to go anywhere without him, except to school because I explained he is to young to go to school.
Last night I asked her if she wanted me to bring Manel to her birthday party at school or if she wanted me to leave him at home and she looked at me as if I was crazy and said she wanted me to bring him, of course.
This, however, doesn't mean she isn't jealous of the time we spend with him sometimes. When we're both here there's no problem but when Zé Maria has to work late or has soccer game, she wants me to tuck her in and tell her a story and lie down with her a bit at bedtime. And when I tell her Manel needs me she cries a bit and asks me to put him in his bassinet. But she's never angry at him, and I try to keep her routines as much as possible and I can say things are going much better than expected in this department. Lets see how it goes when he starts stealing her toys...
BTW, tonight Manel slept 7 hours straight. I am one happy mommy!
At 9:22 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
Hope she keeps adapting, and doesn't evolve into the 'no time, pay attention to me' person. (not anything to do with the group at my house, at least that I'll admit to)
At 2:35 AM,
L said…
Thanks for the update!! Everyone seems to be coping so well, I'm almost jealous :)
(sibling rivalry runs rampant in this household right now...)
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