Work, work, work ... and story telling
I’m swamped again. I have barely seen Manel this week and it won’t get any better soon. ZM has been my life saver, as usual, and has been taking care of the kids and the house. No wonder my son’s first word was Pai (dad) and now that he says about 10 or 12 words, Mãe (mom), is still not one of them. He loves me to death though, so all is well.
I did go to R’s school yesterday, in the middle of the day, to read the kids a story. They have been inviting the parents to come read a story and R has been insisting that I go for a while, so I went. Her school is a 10 minute walk from my office, and with the 20 minutes it took me to read them the story I was back at the office less than an hour after I left. And it’s amazing how much something so small meant to her. She talked about it all evening and this morning.
I’m going to Paris on Sunday, to take a course, and I’ll be back on Wednesday. The course is from 9 am to 5 pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, which should give me some time to go shopping and to just veg out in my hotel room. I’ll write again when I’m back.