The Wedding - Part I
I’m not sure if I ever wrote about this here, but one of my sisters in law, Ana, is getting married in June. She is exactly my age, 26, and she’s a doctor. She is getting married to a very nice guy (I mean this in the best way) whom she’s been dating for about 10 months now.
Although my in-laws have 5 daughters, all of them grown up (the youngest is 21, which is how old I was when I got married), this is the first one to get married so, as you can imagine, ever since the transplant this is all the family ever talks about anymore.
Because my in-laws need all the financial help they can get with this wedding (in Portugal, the wedding is traditionally paid for by the bride’s parents), and because we love Ana, my husband and I decided to give her the dress as our wedding present. My sister and I went to pick it out with her while we were on maternity leave. Now we’ll start working on the flower girls’ dresses (R is going to be one of them), which should be a saga in itself because my MIL and I cannot agree on what we would like the girls to wear. And then there’s the invitations, the theme, the DJ, the photographer, the hairdresser… And somehow it seems that they can’t do anything without my help. DH says his family is too dependent on me and I shouldn’t let them take advantage of me like that. The nerve!
Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be reading a lot more about “The Wedding” in the next few months so be ready. Oh, and I bought my dress already. Now I just have to lose 8 pounds.