I will only have boys from now on
R was a really difficult child in the sleep department. When she was a newborn she would eat every 2 to 3 hours day and night and it wasn’t before she was 4 months old that she first slept for 8 hours.
She was my first child and I was nervous and stressed out, and I’m sure that had a pretty big influence in her behaviour. I probably fed her every time she fussed, even if she was not even that hungry. The fact is I was desperate back then, I got depressed, I cried all the time and I was always exhausted. Looking back now I feel like I haven’t enjoyed her newborn/baby stage as much as I should have.With Manel everything is different. From the day he was born, he always slept at least one 5 hour stretch, usually follow but another 4 hour stretch and when he was 2 months old he was consistently sleeping for 8 hours straight. A few weeks go he started refusing the midnight bottle. I give him a bowl of cereal at 8 p.m. and put him to bed shortly after. I used to wake him up at midnight to give him a bottle but he’s been refusing or eating very little so I just stopped giving it to him. And he now sleeps soundly from about 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. straight. I’m in heaven. I almost feel guilty for saying this but I am enjoying this phase of is life so much more than I enjoyed R’s.
I’m not sure if this is because M is a second child and therefore I am less stressed, or if it is because he is a boy, or even if it’s just that every child is different and it just happened that he is a sleeper. But just in case, I think I only want boys from now on.
At 8:45 PM,
Jen said…
Definitely not a boy thing, just a Manel thing! You want more Manels is what you want! :)
My two friends had babies at about the same time. One has always been quiet, calm, easy and a good sleeper. That's the girl. The other baby was colicky, cranky, and nearly impossible to get to sleep. He's a boy.
Just enjoy him!
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