Some friends have been discussing about Lent so I have decided to write something about what it means to me.
I must start by saying I am a practicing Catholic and I try to live according to what the Church teaches. However, I fail often and I don't claim to represent the Catholic religion.
As for Lent, it is a time of preparation. Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights on the desert preparing for His passion, death and resurrection. And so we spend 40 days and 40 nights preparing for the celebration of the most important time of year, the time when Jesus gave His life for us and conquered death.
It is not a time of suffering, it is a time of cleansing. It is not a sad time, but one of immense joy and anticipation for what is to come. Fasting, giving up things we like, making sacrifices and being more charitable are ways we use to try and prepare our bodies and our souls to better live this amazing time. We are showing the Lord, those around us, as especially ourselves that we are willing to share a little of what Christ went through, in order to fully enjoy and savour the joy of redemption.
During Lent I give up chocolate, because it is the one thing that is harder for me. I also try to cut down on my other bad habits and I try to find daily occasions to make sacrifices. But I don't do it to inflict suffering upon myself or others. I do it because it is in those moments that I remember what this season is about, and it is in this way that, slowly, during 40 days and 40 nights, I am preparing to properly live and celebrate Easter.
I was wrong when I complained about not eating chocolate yesterday. I shouldn't share what sacrifices I make, or how much I give for charity, because I am not looking for praise. We shouldn't do these things to impress others, and we shouldn't draw attention to our sacrifices. We should be happy while making them and not seek or expect any type of reward. My reward is that I get to live Easter a little better.
Some friends have been discussing about Lent so I have decided to write something about what it means to me.
I must start by saying I am a practicing Catholic and I try to live according to what the Church teaches. However, I fail often and I don't claim to represent the Catholic religion.
As for Lent, it is a time of preparation. Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights on the desert preparing for His passion, death and resurrection. And so we spend 40 days and 40 nights preparing for the celebration of the most important time of year, the time when Jesus gave His life for us and conquered death.
It is not a time of suffering, it is a time of cleansing. It is not a sad time, but one of immense joy and anticipation for what is to come. Fasting, giving up things we like, making sacrifices and being more charitable are ways we use to try and prepare our bodies and our souls to better live this amazing time. We are showing the Lord, those around us, as especially ourselves that we are willing to share a little of what Christ went through, in order to fully enjoy and savour the joy of redemption.
During Lent I give up chocolate, because it is the one thing that is harder for me. I also try to cut down on my other bad habits and I try to find daily occasions to make sacrifices. But I don't do it to inflict suffering upon myself or others. I do it because it is in those moments that I remember what this season is about, and it is in this way that, slowly, during 40 days and 40 nights, I am preparing to properly live and celebrate Easter.
I was wrong when I complained about not eating chocolate yesterday. I shouldn't share what sacrifices I make, or how much I give for charity, because I am not looking for praise. We shouldn't do these things to impress others, and we shouldn't draw attention to our sacrifices. We should be happy while making them and not seek or expect any type of reward. My reward is that I get to live Easter a little better.
At 1:50 PM,
Martha said…
Thank you for helping to put an explanation on Lent and it's meaning. It always helps me to go back to the "true" meaning of things and not what "commercialism" has spun it into. I think many people forget what it means and that it is not a bad thing but a good.
I am so sorry if my thread yesterday made you feel bad in anyway! I was truly curious what others give up for lent. NOT to make them feel bad about it. OR even to make those who don't give up anything feel bad. Merely I was trying to see what others did and grasp an understanding. I have come across many people who say they do not give up anything for lent because it is too hard. I guess I am learning and trying to find answers. So Thank you, your post today really Helped!
At 2:23 PM,
Ana said…
Michelle and Martha, you both misunderstood me! I was in no way upset by either of your posts yesterday, or by anything else that was said by anyone. I think it's great that we feel we can talk about these things with each other.
Michelle - I think it's great to want to do positive things during Lent instead of giving things up. Whatever helps you live this time better is what you should do.
Martha - I think your thread was helpful and made people think. It's good to talk about other stuff aside from our kids!
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