Politics and Politicians
What should I write about today? I do have other interests in life other than this whole getting pregnant thing. I know I do. Or I used to anyway. Just give me a moment, I'll think of something.
Oh, ok, politics. We're having an election on Sunday. The Portuguese people are going to elect their government for the next 4 years .Though for some reason portuguese governments tend not to last the entire 4 years, go figure. You see, we think we are a developed country, we even think we belong to the EU other than on a merely pro-forma way. But in reality, we are just a missplaced latin-american country.
Yesterday two of the biggest parties running in this election cancelled all campaing actions and another one cancelled the "festive" campaing actions because of the death of Irmã Lúcia.
She was woman, a nun, who had visions of Our Lady as a child, together with her two cousins, in Fátima, over 80 years ago. She was the most discrete person you can imagine, particularly taking into consideration her historical and religious weight in our society. She lived almost her entire life locked up in a convent, almost never showing her face. Mel Gibson visited her last year to give her a copy of his movie "The Passion of Christ", and however no one ever knew he was even here except a few select people (my uncle arranged this meeting and took a few pictures to document it). Her two cousins were declared saints by this Pope a few years ago and yet she always said she didn't consider herself to be saint.
So you see, she would not have wanted the campaing to be suspended because of her. She would have wanted people to go on with their lives, especially people who probably never even remembered her or thought of her for a moment. She would not have wanted this much attention.
I am a little shocked by these events, but not more so than with the whole campaing. I just wish all the parties would talk about the things that really matter and would stop discussing the fact the leader of one of the parties is gay and the other one has children with several women. It would make it a hell lot easier for me to decide who I'm voting for on Sunday.
What should I write about today? I do have other interests in life other than this whole getting pregnant thing. I know I do. Or I used to anyway. Just give me a moment, I'll think of something.
Oh, ok, politics. We're having an election on Sunday. The Portuguese people are going to elect their government for the next 4 years .Though for some reason portuguese governments tend not to last the entire 4 years, go figure. You see, we think we are a developed country, we even think we belong to the EU other than on a merely pro-forma way. But in reality, we are just a missplaced latin-american country.
Yesterday two of the biggest parties running in this election cancelled all campaing actions and another one cancelled the "festive" campaing actions because of the death of Irmã Lúcia.
She was woman, a nun, who had visions of Our Lady as a child, together with her two cousins, in Fátima, over 80 years ago. She was the most discrete person you can imagine, particularly taking into consideration her historical and religious weight in our society. She lived almost her entire life locked up in a convent, almost never showing her face. Mel Gibson visited her last year to give her a copy of his movie "The Passion of Christ", and however no one ever knew he was even here except a few select people (my uncle arranged this meeting and took a few pictures to document it). Her two cousins were declared saints by this Pope a few years ago and yet she always said she didn't consider herself to be saint.
So you see, she would not have wanted the campaing to be suspended because of her. She would have wanted people to go on with their lives, especially people who probably never even remembered her or thought of her for a moment. She would not have wanted this much attention.
I am a little shocked by these events, but not more so than with the whole campaing. I just wish all the parties would talk about the things that really matter and would stop discussing the fact the leader of one of the parties is gay and the other one has children with several women. It would make it a hell lot easier for me to decide who I'm voting for on Sunday.
At 2:21 PM,
Martha said…
Ana.. Hello my friend! It seems like politics are the same there as it is here in the states! Do you have "parties" like we do here? I am hoping you can get beyond the "fluff" and find the heart of the matter and make a good choice. Also, they do voting on Sunday?? Thats really interesting! Keep us posted on what happens.
At 2:26 PM,
Ana said…
Yes, we do have parties like you do there, only we have several instead of the two you have. We have 2 big ones who have a real chance of winning and then 3 smaller ones who usually elect a few people for the parliament and a number of even smaller ones who appear on the ballots but don't have enough votes to elect anyone.
We always vote on Sundays, it's the law.
I'll let you know what happens.
At 4:22 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
At least you don't have a GWB to become reelected. I think it would be interesting to have a government not last the whole four years, but I think it's better than not knowing how long they will last.
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