The fun is just beginning
Manel is doing great. He is just the best, easiest baby ever. He sleeps through the night, he goes to sleep by himself in his own bed (oh how well I remember those long, endless hours rocking R to sleep, how my arms burnt and how I cried out of shear frustration), he takes long naps in his own bed (again, so different from his older sister who would only take naps in the stroller or in the car), he eats whatever we give him and he hardly ever fusses unless he’s tired or hungry. I feel I’m enjoying this baby-phase so much more now than I did with R, because I’m not always stressed and tired and drained.
Life with two children has been much easier than we anticipated and the fact that he is so less demanding than R was makes us consider having a third in a not so distant future.
Rosarinho is also doing great. She is a big girl now, and raising her is starting to present different challenges. She is less demanding in that she eats what we eat, she goes to the bathroom by herself, she doesn’t take naps, she can (mostly) dress herself… you get the picture. But she demands more attention; she wants to tell us about her teacher, her friends, what she learned in school, over and over again. She asks questions, tons of them; she remembers everything we say (even if you think she’s not listening) and repeats it exactly when she shouldn’t. I have an amazing, yet sometimes strenuous, feeling that in every action we take we are building her character and forever influencing who she will be in life. I’m aware, like I have never been before, that being a parent is the biggest challenge of our lives.
At 11:19 PM,
L said…
Yes, yes, you're absolutely right! Parenting is a huge challenge, and we do need to be careful what we tell our children and how we interact with other adults around them. They're little sponges, absorbing everything :)
Manel sounds like a dream baby!! My second one is much more demanding than the first, but in different ways. The first didn't play by himself and the second does (thankfully), but their personalities are opposites (older - pretty calm, youngest - agitated, nervous).
Good luck with a third one. You're VERY brave! I really wanted another one, but I'm getting way too old for it (will be 35 in July), and I don't think we can afford one more :(
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