Rest? Did I say rest?
On Friday I had the wedding. Though I did take the day off, I had the brilliant idea of not leaving R at preschool and instead taking her with me to the hairdresser. That was fun! She insisted on doing everything I did, which included washing, cutting and drying her hair and doing her nails. Everyone in the salon thought it was hilarious (I admit it was funny) but I got out of there poor and exhausted and wondering why the hell didn’t I drop her at preschool.
Then on Saturday and Sunday we helped my sister with her move. No one else showed up to help so it was me and her (the pregnant duo) unpacking and our husbands dragging the furniture. By the end of the day yesterday there were no boxes left unopened but we were all exhausted. So basically I’m glad the long weekend is over and I can come to work and get some rest.
Here are a couple of pictures of me in the wedding outfit. I had no make-up or shoes yet, but you get the idea.

At 9:09 PM,
Martha said…
WOW.. you look incredible!! Love the dress.. too cute. Ohh and your belly... it has truly POPPed out!!
At 5:00 AM,
L said…
Lindo vestido! The dress is very pretty, but what I like even more is the color!! It's one of my favorites because I think it goes very well with brunettes like us.
Well, you didn't rest much on Friday, but just think of how Rosarinho will probably remember this day for a long time. She must have loved it!
Your belly *is* super cute!!
At 10:51 AM,
Lioness said…
Yo, hot mama!
[Para a semana parece-me bem. Por este andar, não vejo mesmo essa barriga - ó Ana, nem que eu vá ao banco mas que te vejo, ai isso vejo!]
At 2:05 PM,
K|nneret said…
You look beautiful :) And so close now! Yay!
At 3:18 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
No friends to help move, at least relatives are there.
The red is very nice -
At 12:51 AM,
Modokker said…
You look gorgeous! Love the dress too! I hope you can find time to rest up before the baby comes. Are you working right up to you go into labor??
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