I think I'm going crazy
The beige and the red are done and we’ll start the silver tonight so I may have pictures tomorrow. The hem on the table cloth is also done. Next step is to start putting M’s clothes that have already been washed and folded in his closet. I’m starting to get worried about what I’ll do when everything is ready. I seem to have this urge to do stuff, sew, clean, paint, whatever, after we put R to bed. I guess I still have to pack my hospital bag but it seems too early for that. Oh, and my sister is moving next weekend so I guess I can also help her with that… two 8 months pregnant women dragging furniture should be fun.
Work is slowing down, because my boss seems to have finally realized that this baby is coming soon and is no longer giving me new projects. We have a new girl who started last Monday and I’m supposed to start transferring my on-going projects to her. She knows absolutely nothing about M&A but she seems bright and interested and I still have about a month or so so I think I will be able to go on my maternity leave without too much of a guilty conscience.
At 2:51 PM,
Martha said…
Wow girl.. you do more than me, and I'm not pregnant!!! I think you and your sister need to do a belly shot together! I would love to see it. Is she getting excited as well?
At 1:36 PM,
Lioness said…
I second the belly shot, and would like to add that in my garage there's a bedside table waiting to have former paint peeled off and sandpaper, primer and new paint applied. COme round and knock yourself out.
Alternatively, REST, you mad woman! [Espero já estar recomposta mais lá para o final da semana. Uuf.]
At 8:34 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
We also have a bathroom you can paint. No stripes planned, so it should be easy.
And a bright replacement! Sounds like you might go back to a nice situation, rather than having several months of work piled up on your desk.
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