Finally, pictures
You wanted pictures of the remodelled bathroom, so here they are.
This is before .

This bathroom used to open into the kitchen so what we did was we closed this door and opened a door to the hall. Then we basically had everything changed and turned into a "social bathroom". We finished painting it last night.
This is the after

As for the other bathroom, it should be completely done by Friday and I'll post pictures then.
At 12:04 PM,
Jen said…
Wow - gorgeous! You are so talented!
At 3:29 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
Yes, the stripes look good - somehow I imagined smaller ones, but this is better.
At 3:31 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
PS - we have a spare bedroom, and the hospital where my daughter had her little girl is very nice -
At 4:33 AM,
L said…
Ola Ana, Muito prazer em "conhece-la" :)!!
OK, I'll switch to English for the sake of other commenters. I think I found your blog at Which Suprised Her (and I got there via Manuela, at Thin Pink Line). I had bookmarked your blog a while back, but only checked it carefully today. Anyway. I'm almost done reading all your archives (I'm in March right now), but I'll finish as soon as I have time :)
I'm a Brazilian who lives in the US, and I really like you/your blog (plus, it's always good to be in touch with other Portuguese speakers, even if we're both writing in English)! So I'll come back regularly from now on, and I'll add you to my blogroll when I update it, OK?
Um abraco,
At 4:39 AM,
L said…
Oh yeah, I should comment on the "current post", right?
I like your bathroom renovation a lot. I think they would call it a "half bath" here in the States (I've also heard something like "powder room" - which I think is SOOO weird :) . In Brazil it's also called social bath (banheiro social) or "lavabo".
It looks so "modern" now!!! This kind of sink is very cool! I hardly anything like that here (only in Brazil).
At 3:30 PM,
sweetisu said…
Really cool sink and toilet choices. Love the 'off the floor' concept.
Complain away! The hugeness and level of uncomfortness is definitely justified IMO. You're walking so much - I think he will be early!
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