Sad times
I’m back from my business trip and my heart is aching. I am overwhelmed by what is happening in New Orleans. As I watched the news alone, in my hotel room, all I could think was what those mothers must be feeling, not being able to feed their children, what those people who lost everything they owned must be going through. I’m so happy to be home now, with my family. I just don’t know what else to say.
The transplant surgeon called to say the surgery will not take place before the 20th. I will be 34 weeks by then so I’m praying it won’t be too long after that. The idea of Zé Maria and I being at the hospital at the same time is stressing me out again. Not only because he might not be able to meet his son for a few days after he’s born, or even because I don’t want to be alone when it happens. What’s stressing me out more than all that is what will happen with R. Of course I know she will stay at my Mom’s, like she has so many times before, when we go out or when we travel. But she will have a new brother and both her parents will be in a hospital. I can imagine how insecure and lost she will feel if it comes to that. I’m praying for a surgery date no later than the 30th.
Meanwhile I’m 32 weeks today and still feeling pretty well. The baby is kicking like crazy and wakes me up all the time but somehow I’m not as tired as I expected. I have an OB appointment next Wednesday and I’ll most likely start going every 2 weeks instead of once a month. Not much longer now.
At 9:50 PM,
Jen said…
I share your grief - it's incomprehensibly horrid. I keep thinking about the mothers and babies, too, especially the very young ones (and, God, the ones birthing and being born amidst all this horror). It's so, so sad.
I'm sorry the surgery has to be so late. That's really distressing. I will keep my fingers crossed that it is within days of the 20th. Yikes!
At 10:10 PM,
Lioness said…
I can't bear to even hear abt it, I have been staying away from the news even more rabidly than usual. )I cannot imagine what those poor people - oy, can't do this.
I hope the dates work out for you, I truly do. Now, how abt that coffee around the 9th, 10th?
At 10:29 PM,
Martha said…
I share in your grief but stand beside you on the Rock of our Father's Faith!
Hope the dates work out! Trust God will get you all through this!! Tell baby to stay put for awhile!!!
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