Too hot
It is too damn hot. The thermometer just outside my office says it’s 38 C (100 F). We decided to go home at lunch time (we didn’t drive, we walked) and check on the house. Not a clever move when you’re 28 weeks pregnant and its 38 degrees outside. When I got back to the office my feet were swollen and I could barely breathe.
Tomorrow we are going on vacation for 2 weeks. We will be at the beach house until the 15th, which is really good because the weather is so much cooler there, even though it’s a mere 45 minutes away. Then on the second week we will either go to Azores (if my doctor lets me fly) or we’ll stay home and start getting things ready for the baby.
I am secretly hoping my doctor will not let me fly, but Zé Maria is so excited about this trip I couldn’t possibly tell him that. He wants to enjoy the time we have left, just the three of us, before the surgery and the baby. And I guess he’s right. My appointment is on Monday and we’ll see what she says.
As for the house, the cleaning people did start working today and it seems we will be able to move back home once we get back from the beach house. There will be a couple of things missing, namely mirrors and cabinets, which can only be done in September because everything seems to close in August in this stupid country. Will post pictures later.
At 8:31 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
'Stupid country'? How long have you lived there? And you aren't used to it yet? Doesn't most of Eurpoe close for August?
And when are you getting a parrot - you looked good together.
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