The Wedding - Season 2, Episode VI
There are a few developments and I think we can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel:
The flower girls dresses – SIL bought these cute little white dresses for 30 euros a piece and is going to have orange ribbons made for them. I think it will turn out just fine and it’s one more problem to think about.
The party – SIL borrowed 3,000 euros from the bank so that they can invite a few more people, which will make a total of 100 guests. They are already way over their heads with debt but then they are exactly the kind of people who will always exceed their budget. We paid her credit cards a couple of years ago because she was in a really bad place and she never even mentioned the possibility of paying us back, so this kind of thing makes ZM a little crazy but, hey, it’s their life right?
The invitations – are printed and will be sent this week. Finally.
The engagement dinner – well, my MIL told them to invite whoever they thought they should, which was really the right thing to do if you ask me. They haven’t said who’s coming or not, but I can tell you it’s going to be one tense evening.
The outfits – everyone except the nurse have decided what to wear and this time I think it’ll be mostly peaceful. The SILs who’s a dentist (the one with the cleavage, remember?) is wearing black pants but hasn’t decided on the top yet.
That’s about it for now, I think.
At 12:08 AM,
L said…
Hey, things are coming along, aren't they? I'm sure there will be some more troubles ahead, but hopefully they will make fun posts! :)
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