I'm still alive
God, I just realized it’s been a whole week since my last post. Time is just flying and I’m barely finding the time to breathe.
Last week I had yet another business trip and had to spend the night away. But the project is finally over so there won’t be anymore trips to Porto. Now my next project is in Azores, which is an island so it means I won’t be able to drive there and back as I used to do with this project in Porto. I will have to spend the night there every single time… nice, I can’t wait. Damn.
M has been sleeping better though he’s teething (we hope, since he’s almost 11 months old and doesn’t have one single tooth) so we’re not sure how long this good phase will last. So we’re making the best of it and on Saturday we woke up at 11.15 am. That was heaven.
I’m taking him to the ped today for a well-baby visit, which he hasn’t had for almost 3 months so I’m kinda looking forward to it (I just know I will regret having said this later today).
R’s school started last week and she’s just hysterical to see her friends again. She woke up on Sunday asking if she could go to school already. Wouldn’t it be nice if this would last, say, 15 years? Yesterday we spent the afternoon organizing her closet, putting away the clothes that don’t fit anymore, and she kept saying that she wanted to keep this and that for her baby sister. For some reason she’s convinced she’ll have a sister named Maria after Christmas. Not sure what gave her that idea.
At 3:45 AM,
L said…
Ah-ha! A sister named Maria? Maybe she's trying to tell you something :)
Seriously, though, I don't want to be an annoying and curious intruder, but you're thinking of having a third one in the future, aren't you? You're SO brave!! I don't think I'll have the courage to attempt that. Especially because I think it'd be a THIRD boy :(
But I'd like a daughter all right... Too bad I can't just choose the sex of the next child :(
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