New worries
Having a child is and endless source of entertainment. In this case, not in a good way.
Manel's head is flat on the back, a little to the right. It wasn’t always like that but we’ve noticed it a couple of months ago. We are convinced it’s from lying down all day, and since he usually turns his head to the right it got that funny shape.
Yesterday, I asked the ped about it. She looked at it and she thinks it's a little more flat than normal. She says many kids get this and it’s only positional (what we think), and it eventually goes back to normal once they start sitting upright. However, since Manel’s is a little more flat than usual, she wants to run some tests just to make sure the bones in his skull close properly and do not get on top of each other.
So today he's going in for a skull x-ray, then tomorrow we have an appointment with a pediatric surgeon to rule out a problem with his neck (which would explain why he always turns his head to the right) and next week he has a brain ultrasound. Once everything is done, we're to take all the results back to her and if something is wrong, then we'll take him to a neurosurgeon to see if he has to have surgery to correct the skull.
The scenarios are:
1 – it’s just positional and it’ll go away on its own
2 – he has a problem in his neck muscles and will need physical therapy
3 – his bones are not closing properly and he’ll need surgery to correct it
The ped says she only had 1 case where surgery was necessary, in 30 years of practice. She thinks it’s most likely nothing but wants to be on the safe side. And so do we, of course. So the next few days are going to be a bit stressful. I’ll update regularly.
At 3:59 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
At least you have a medical system where test are available, and you can find out instead of just worrying.
At 4:20 PM,
Jen said…
Hugs to you and good luck with the tests!
At 5:15 AM,
L said…
nossa! que coisa! Espero que nao seja nada!
Gostei do seu comentario no meu blog. Se eu pudesse mandava uns brigadeiros para voce no correio, eu faco os brigadeiros mais deliciosos do mundo (que modesta eu, hein? :) Voces tambem tem brigadeiros ai em Portugal?
Nao eh muito dificil de fazer, se quiser a receita, eh soh dizer :)
At 10:29 PM,
Lioness said…
Oh, how worried you must be. I'll trust the odds though, and will look for updates. Hugs, sweetie.
Lilian, a receita para aqueles bolinhos de queijo maravilhosos também seria muitíssimo bem-vinda, sff!
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