Alone again
Ze Maria went back to work today and I have only 3 more weeks of maternity leave. Manel is 3,5 months old. Can you believe it? People always tell you time goes by much faster with your second and subsequent children, but this is just ridiculous!
Meanwhile, I've stopped breastfeeding. I started to have some intestinal troubles and decided to quit cold turkey so I could start my meds. This was NOT a good idea. It's been a week and I am still in so much pain. With R I weaned her gradually and I never had any problems. I will never ever quit cold turkey again.
Manel is doing great. He is now sleeping through the night from 9.30 pm to 8.30 am. I try waking him up before I go to bed and give him a bottle but he drinks practically nothing so I guess I'll just stop trying. R took over a year to drop that last bottle so it's still hard for me to believe Manel is ready to.
Here is a picture of him we took for his Identity Card (which we need to travel).

At 6:58 PM,
Timestep said…
How cute! Sorry cold turkey is tough. Try cabbage leaves in your bra (leave them till they wilt). Strange, but it helps engourgement (ok, I've never tried it, but I've read about it. Actually, I never got engorged).
I can't this time has flown so quickly! Can't wait to see you back on the board. How is your BIL doing?
At 1:41 PM,
K|nneret said…
What an absolute cutie! He is gorgeous :)
At 3:42 PM,
Lioness said…
Stupid blogger wouldn't let me in yesterday.
Anyway: he has the family eyes, how darling! Can't wait to finally meet him.
At 9:56 PM,
Lioness said…
Eh, this exam thingy? Will be rid of them only after the 24th, which sucks rock bcs by then you'll be working again. But we'll find a way, yes?
Bjs, please update on Zé Maria's and BIL's health. Am assuming all is excellent but would be nice to know for sure.
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