This year, Barcelona
As I said yesterday, hubby and I are planning on going to Barcelona for a few days in April. This is only my second week back at work so I’m going to wait a couple more weeks before I talk to my boss about it, but I’m pretty sure he’ll be ok with it.
The idea is to leave on Wednesday morning and come back on Sunday afternoon. Since it’s only a 2,5 hour flight, we should still be able to do something on Wednesday and enjoy 3 full days all alone.
Ever since we got married (going on 5 years!) we’ve decided that we wanted to take one trip just the two of us (which basically means no kids) every year. So far we’ve been keeping our resolution with one minor adjustment.
On the first year of marriage, before R was born, we went to Brazil, London, Rome and New York. Can you tell life was grand before the kids came?
Then on the year R was born we went to Paris when she was 4 months old. I was exhausted and we slept a lot, but we also got to spend some time alone for the first time since she’d been born and it was so good. Of course all I ever talked about was “my baby” and I missed her like crazy. But it was still very much worth it.
The year after that we went to Cuba. I had just had the molar pregnancy and was emotionally drained. Those days were life-saving to us.
Last year we went to the US again. New York and Miami. Only this time we went with a couple friends of ours (hence the minor adjustment). It was the longest trip we took since R was born (10 days) and we had so much fun.
This year, Barcelona!
I know it may sound shallow, but these trips have become essential to us. We save all the money we can throughout the year in order to be able to take them. They are a crucial time for us, a time to look back and evaluate our life, our marriage, our parenting, a time to readjust our plans for future, to make resolutions and to correct mistakes, a time to fall back in-love with each other, to remember why we’re together and to renew our promises.
We will keep having this trip every year. If we can’t afford to go out of the country, we’ll spend a week at cheap inn somewhere close by. It doesn’t really matter where we go, as long as we go.
At 7:29 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
Have you developed a full itinerary? I am sure that with a big city like that you can more than fill the time. Sounds like fun.
At 2:29 PM,
you will love barcelona loads to see and do so plan ahead ,some things are spread out go on the tourist bus to get your bearings, but be aware of your belongings especialy on las ramblas and where it is quiet.walk off if approached they work in teams
have a great time!
At 10:12 AM,
Lioness said…
It sounds shallow?! NO NO NO! It sounds, indeed, sanity-saving! I think it's the healthiest thing to do really, parents were man and woman bfr they were parents.
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