Ultrasound update
I had my ultrasound this afternoon. He measured the baby and he's measuring almost exactly what R was measuring at this time, so I think we have a good chance of a repeat vaginal birth . I still have to show it to my OB so she can decide but it's looking good! (for tjose of you who asked, I would much rather have a vaginal delivery)
He said he couldn't see my cervix with the abdominal probe so in the end he had to use the vaginal probe to measure the cervix. He started to ask me if I was having contractions and if they were painful. I said yes and then he asked me when my next OB appointment was. I said Monday but he thinks I should call my OB tomorrow because my cervix is effaced and he doesn't think I'll make it through the weekend. So I'll call my OB tomorrow and see what she says, but I'm kinda hoping it doesn't happen before Tuesday because I had everything planned for that day and R is still sick, and I was hoping she would get all better before M is born. But things seem to be out of my hands so we'll see.
I'll update tomorrow.
At 3:57 AM,
L said…
Wow, things seem to be developing quickly there! I hope Manuel is patient and can wait through the weekend! :)
And I'm so happy you may not need the C-section after all!
Baby's coming, that's so exciting!!!
At 5:06 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
Some things don't go according to plan. But might be better early than late. Good luck more.
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