News from the newborn world
We've been home since Thursday and I finally have a moment to write something more than a few words. Things have been busy, as you can imagine, but I think we're finally managing to find some sort of routine, so I'll probably have more time to write from now on.
The Birth Story
There isn't much to say really. On Tuesday the 18th we woke up, got dressed and took R to school like we always do. Then we went to the hospital were we arrived at around 10.30pm. They gave me a pill and showed me my room so I could get settled in.
At around 12 pm I went into the delivery room to get the epidural catheter placed. At 12.30 they started the epidural because I was having nice contractions and was fairly dilated (no idea how much) and by 1 pm they started the Sytotec (oxitocin drip). They told Zé Maria it would take awhile now and he could go have lunch and my mother would stay with me.
At 1.20 pm my mom started to feel I was getting agitated and called the nurse. She asked me if I was feeling pressure and I said yes. She looked at me as if she didn't believe me but decided to check me anyway and then suddenly she got agitated and started telling my mom to get Zé Maria and she was going to get the OB and the pediatrician.
Zé Maria came running from the restaurant and got there at 1.30 pm and Manel was born at 1.50 pm, after 4 or 5 pushes.
Manel has been a saint so far. He eats every 3 to 4 hours during the day, which is great since R used to eat every 2 hours or so. At night he sleeps one 5 to 6 hour strech, followed by a second 4 hour strech. So I can say I'm pretty well rested and can't far. I bet I've just jinxed myself and he'll start giving me horrible nights now.
I believe the greatest diference between R and M is that he poops every time he eats, and she would only poop once a day, when stimulated. So this means he is a much calmer baby and I'm not tempted to feed him all the time as I did with R.
Remeber a post I wrote a few months ago about post partum depression? With R I had a really tough time in the beginning, I kept crying for no reason and I felt miserable. Well, this time, as soon as I started feeling blue in the evenings I called my OB and told her I needed to take something. I thought she would try to convince me not to take anything but she immediately told me there was no reason why I should be unhappy and she prescribed me some pills I chew on 3 times a day. They are really helping me sleep better and I feel much better. I still have "low" moments when I'm alone at home but I can control myself and I know I will be all better in a couple of weeks.
My sister
Marta will have the baby tomorrow, by scheduled c-section. She's nervous as hell because this is her first child and she is counting on me to go to her house and spend plenty of time there during our maternity leave. I guess it will be great for the both of us to spend time together,a nd having company makes me feel better too.
At 7:07 PM,
L said…
Great to hear from you!!! I'm glad everything went well - your second birth was like mine, pretty fast (I think I pushed 3 times) - it felt so much easier!! (for Kelvin I pushed for 1h15min. which is not bad, I know, but made me SO tired!).
Manel seems to be a dream baby - I hope it continues like that!
Parabens novamente. Ah, faltou uma pergunta (que farei em ingles por causa dos outros leitores :)
How is Rosarinho? How did whe react to Manel being born and coming home? Did she ask any questions about him? (we thought it was hilarous that the first thing my son said when he saw his baby brother was: "Can he walk?" [Ele sabe andar?])
At 7:08 PM,
L said…
I forgot to say, thanks for writing, and all the best for your sister and nephew!! It will be great for you two to share your experiences, especially for your sister, who's a first-timer!
She's very lucky to have you as a sister, I'm sure!
At 3:38 PM,
JoeinVegas said…
Glad it was so quick, and delivery was OK. More pics of the kids now.
At 9:33 PM,
Jen said…
Wow - what a nice, quick labor! I'm glad it was not too rough.
I am REALLY glad that you have such a supportive doctor. I am worried about PPD (I'm at reasonably high risk for it) and it's good to hear about responsive, helpful docs.
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