You asked for it
You told me to whine away so here it goes…
I have found a whole new level of unconfortableness (not sure if this word even exists but you get the idea). This baby is so low I can literally feel him inside my vagina. And let me tell you it is not pleasant. The minute I zip my pants after going to the bathroom I need to go again, so I’ve started timing my bathrooms trips and I will not go more than once every 15 minutes (this, people, is day and night). It’s rather pathetic, now that I think about it. It would actually be funny if it wasn’t tragic.
R is sick, she has a fever and a cough, which means I had virtually no sleep last night, between going to the bathroom and tending to my sick child. So I’ve decided tomorrow will be my last day at work, because I do not want to get to the 18th feeling like crap, which is exactly how I’m feeling now. I definitely need to rest, and I need it before this baby comes.
Today I have my weekly OB appointment. She warned me she would want to check my cervix today. I absolutely hate having my cervix checked and it makes my blood pressure rise. Thankfully she now knows not to check my bp until after she’s checked my cervix, because last time she went nuts thinking I might be having pre-eclampsia or something.
Update on the appointment tomorrow.
At 6:16 PM,
Lioness said…
Well good luck then, hope everything is normal. It should be, you're simply ready to pup! (If you're too tired for us to meet it's all right.)
At 10:50 AM,
Lioness said…
Nu?? O updatezinho??
Olha qu'isto..
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