Rantings of a crazy pregnant woman
Sometimes it feels like time is dragging by, that the weeks just don't pass. Things are slow at work and it makes it even worse. There is only so much to see on the Internet and spending the days sitting at my desk looking at the computer is starting to get boring. I know it's the way things are when you have a project-based job and I know that probably next week, two or three projects will start moving at the same time and I won't have time to breathe. But meanwhile, I have to sit here, when there is so much to do at home.
Then I suddenly look at the calendar and realize that I'm 22 weeks pregnant already and that I'll probably only have about 16 more weeks to go. 16 weeks to feel the baby kicking and to see R looking at my belly and asking if her brother is in there, and if she can touch it. And in the meantime we'll go on vacation to Brazil, and we'll remodel the bathrooms, and Zé Maria will have surgery. And I suddenly feel overwhelmed and I wonder if there will be enough time for everything. It feels like time is flying (I know, I just said it feels like it's dragging, but I've been crazy like that lately).
At 1:56 PM,
Martha said…
Hugs my friend.. you have a lot happening in the next 16 weeks! Enjoy every quiet moment...
At 3:29 AM,
Modokker said…
Ana Look at it like this you have alot going on to make the time go faster. Hope you enjoy your vacation.
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