Do you want to play a game?
Jen tagged me with a meme the other day and I missed it for some reason. But I’ll answer it now.
List your 6 favorite songs and tag 6 others to do the same:
You Make Me Feel Brand New, Simply Red
My Immortal, Evanescence
Sand in My Shoes, Dido
Velha Infância, Tribalistas
From this Moment, Shania Twain
Blessed, Elton John
I Tag:
Lioness, of Which Surprised Her
Martha, of My Life in a Nut Shell
Kristen, of The Fertile Infertile
Amber, of Welcome to My World
Kinneret, of Life’s Bright Caos
Alison, of My Journey
At 3:28 PM,
Lioness said…
Rats. I've tried commenting bfr but the stupid window wouldn't open. This will take me a while. Or not, who knows these days.
(Do you want to go back and re-post that pg brain bit? I realised you were right and editted the post and had to then delete yoru comment, sorry. Heatwave brain, isn't this ghastly??)
At 6:24 PM,
Kristin said…
Hmmm...I'll have to think about this one. I like so many different types of music.
Glad you had such a great trip to the beach.
At 12:59 PM,
K|nneret said…
Arghhh! Another meme ! LOL :) I will do my best.
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