Have some cheese with my whine
The summer is here and I can anticipate it won’t be an easy one. It’s so hot I can hardly sleep at night and the elastic panels on the maternity pants do not help at all. My feet and ankles haven’t started to swell up yet, but if this pregnancy is anything like the first one they will a couple of months from now. I have gained about 7 lbs so far but I will start gaining faster from now on. So if I’m feeling like this now, I can imagine how it will be in August.
God, I sound horrible. I hate to be complaining like this after what I went through to get to where I am right now. Please don’t get me wrong, I am forever thankful for this pregnancy and I would go through 10 times what I’m going through to have this baby. Sometimes I think I have no right to be complaining about my pregnancy, particularly when some of the people who read me are having/have had trouble getting pregnant. So I promise I’ll try to keep the whining to a minimum.
On the bright side, I'm feeling the baby move all the time now! I no longer need to be lying down really still to feel him. I can feel him when I'm sitting at my desk, or when I'm in the car, but particularly after I've had something sweet. He takes after his mom!
Today there’s a party at R’s school, to celebrate the end of this school year (although her school is open 12 months a year). She was so excited about it this morning she ran all the way to school. And I was having a hard time keeping up with her (oops, I almost complained again). She laughs at me and says mommy has a sore back. Funny kid!
Then tomorrow night we leave for the beach again. Friday and Monday are holidays here so we’ll have a long weekend again and we’ll spend it at the beach house.
At 11:46 AM,
Lioness said…
Tonta! This is your blog, and you need a space where you can vent! Everyone feels grateful for their pregnancies but no one in their right minds would cherish swollen feet and legs and backaches! I don't think anyone reading you would begrudge you your justifiable complaints.
I didn't even know we had a long weekend, AGAIN. *SIGH* BUT! Next week I'll go to our beach house myself - YEY! - for a couple of days, if it doesn't start raining soon. Can you believe the stupid weather today after yesterday?? Though rain might not be bad w all the fires raging... Don't you love Portieland at times?
At 1:51 PM,
Martha said…
Yes, I agree, this is YOUR BLOG, your place to write all of your thoughts down even the Whinning ones! Vent away girl. We know how happy you are to be PG, but it doesn't take away the discomfort. Have an awesome relaxing weekend at the beach. Nothing better than a long weekend away.
Also, does R only speak Port? Or does she also speak English?
At 2:22 PM,
Ana said…
Can you believe how hot it got by lunch time? I'm dying here!
No, R doesn't speak english. I'll start working on that after she's 3 though.
At 6:06 PM,
sweetisu said…
I can understand you not feeling comfortable about whining. I feel that sometimes too. BUT, having had difficulties of arriving at pregnancy cannot and does not dismiss any/all of the discomforts you experience. They are two entirely separate things.
Have a great getaway!
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