Busy times
Sometimes I can’t believe I’m having a baby in 4 months. I know it seems like a long time but between now and then we are still going to Brazil and a few weeks later to Azores, we are re-doing two of our bathrooms and my husband is donating a kidney.
So even though 4 months may seem like a long time this is sure going to be one exciting and busy time in our lives. I’m afraid in the middle of all this I won’t be able to take the time to actually enjoy this pregnancy and to enjoy the time I have left to be all alone with R. And I have to prepare her for the baby.
I always say my life will be more calm from now on, I will stop trying to do a thousand things at the same time, I will quit one of the Couples Group (yes, we have two), I will no longer have friends over for dinner every week. But then stuff always shows up and we can’t say no (like the group of couples preparing for marriage that we agreed on orienting next year, because our priest had no one else to do it). With one child we have been able to juggle everything but how will it be with 2?
We really need to take some time for ourselves to rethink our life.
At 3:31 PM,
Ana said…
Looks like it's going to be in September. And yes, he is going to be the donor.
At 7:27 PM,
Lioness said…
Yes you do, you need to take it easier as a family and personally.
Bloody over-achievers!
At 8:37 PM,
Martha said…
Whoa.. it's only 4 months left? Where did the time go? My goodness the next 4 months will fly by quickly. I hope your vacations are relaxing and plenty of time to rest. You may need to cut back for awhile on all of the things going on around you. With DH recovering, a new baby, R adjusting, it might be all you can focus on and that's OKAY!!
Hugs my friend!
At 10:52 PM,
K|nneret said…
You're in my thoughts, Ana. 4 months, huh? Wow. It flies by, doesn't it?
At 5:28 AM,
Kristin said…
Many oaryers for you and your dh. It is a wonderful and scary thing he doing by donating his kidney.
And, WOW, only 4 more months!!! Wow does time fly. I remember the day you posted that you were pregnant. Hope all continues to go well for you.
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