My name is Ana and I'm a Pez addict
R did end up having pink eye and stayed home yesterday. This morning she looked all better and we took her to school. On the way there she kept saying “daddy is mine and mommy’s” and” mommy is mine and daddy’s’”. Funny sense of ownership this girl has. I then told her “mommy is yours, daddy’s and the baby’s” to which she quickly agreed. But a few minutes later she turned to me looking quite worried and asked “But the baby is not coming out (não vai sair cá para fora) today is he?” It seems she is not ready to share mommy and daddy just yet.
I am 19 weeks today and everything is looking good. Well, not everything. The magnesium seems to have helped with the BH contractions but it also has a not so nice side effect. I haven’t had a bowel movement in 3 days, which is making me look more pregnant than I should and not so comfortable at all. I called my gastroenterologist last night (I was worried about the Crohn's) and he said it’s no reason to worry and to try to control it by changing my eating habits. Do you think the 8 rolls of Pez I ate this morning will help?
At 2:00 PM,
Martha said…
Oh MY.. 8 ROLLS?? Girl.. you gotta cut back!! Sounds like you and Cynthia's daughter need to get a bathroom together. You poor thing! Fell better!
At 6:54 PM,
Lioness said…
I LOVE Pez as well!!! Yey for Pez!
Er, how about green plums? Green anything really. Hell, I don't know! Hopefully it will happen before the baby comes.
At 1:53 PM,
Jen said…
Wow! That's a lot of Pez! Now the important question is, what kind of dispenser did you have? :)
If you don't mind advice, a couple of things that really help me are drinking A CRAZY LOT of water (like ALL the time) and eating flaxseeds. I grind them (in a coffee grinder) and put them on cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, or salad.
Good luck!
At 3:23 PM,
Ana said…
Michelle, no, I don't have a dispenser, I just eat them directly out of the roll. The dispensers here are all stupid looking.
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
PEZ? The sweets from Austria?
At 2:22 PM,
Ana said…
Pez, from Austria? Not that I know of. It's these sweets:
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