What would you do?
I have a good friend who is not happy and I wish I could do something for her but I’m not sure I should. Actually, I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t but I can’t help thinking about her all the time so I thought I would share it with you.
So here is some background.
She is 27 and married to this guy, who is also our very good friend, for 3 years now (in fact, 3 years tomorrow). They have a one year old boy. They live in a beautiful farmhouse, where they have animals and a big garden and everything she always wanted. She is a stay at home mom and he is farmer, he has several properties throughout the country and he basically runs them and makes tons of money (I mean TONS of money).
So where’s her problem you ask? The problem is he is an old fashion man. By that I mean she has no access to a bank account, he gives her an envelope with cash every month to run the house and for pocket money. She doesn’t have a computer, much less internet access, and their house is miles away from anywhere. Which means she is lonely, she has no contact with the outside world whatsoever, she complains she doesn’t have enough money to drive to Lisbon (20 minutes away) to meet her friends, to go shopping, to do anything. She spends her entire life at home, taking care of the baby and cleaning (she has no help whatsoever, even with that huge house). He expects her to have lunch and dinner on the table for him everyday and he never gives her anything and never takes her anywhere.
What makes me even more angry is that he has a last-generation computer and wide band internet access at his office (next door to their house, but she is not allowed to use it), he travels all the time to go hunting with his friends (and takes the dogs on the plane, but not her), he is rich for crying out loud! Oh and, he says he doesn’t want any more children, even though she would love to have at least one more.
I don’t think she complains to him, but she complains to us, her friends. She complains that she is lonely, that she would love to have internet access (is that so much to ask) so she could have an email, or IM her friends. She complains that she has never left the country (most of our friends travel a lot), that she never does anything, that she sometimes doesn’t even have enough money to buy a pair of shoes (the other day, her mother had to give her a pair she wanted). She doesn’t leave the house, she is practically his maid. And he never takes care of the kid so she can have some time for herself.
I usually tease him about it, I say he’s cheap and that he should give her a computer, that he doesn’t know how to take care of his own son and stuff like that. I do it in a joking tone but I can’t help getting mad at him sometimes. But he is our friend too, and I’m sure that if I were to confront him she would take his side and I would come out of it as the bitch who is interfering in other peoples lives. My husband and my friends tell to let it go and they’re probably right.
So, what would you do? Do you think I have the right to confront him or should I just keep my mouth shut?
At 1:53 PM,
Martha said…
OUCH!! That is horrible! Honestly, It's not your place sadly enough. Your friend needs to fight her own battles. HOWEVER, with that said, at the next get together you could pull him aside and ask if your friend is okay.. kinda like your worried about HER... not so much focusing on him. For example, "Ted" do you think "Julie" is all right? The last few times we have spoken she seems really lonely and sad. She never gets to come into the city and has no computer. Maybe you could help her?"
Something like that......
Hugs.. it's so hard when a friend is hurting!
At 1:54 PM,
Martha said…
OH I forgot! Maybe suggest she speak to her preist?
At 3:34 PM,
Lioness said…
My jaw has unhinged. This happens in our generation?? Actually yours, you are younger than me!
Ana, entre marido e mulher... I'd be very wary of saying anything. Look, he's your friend but you did ask so pardon the frankness but here goes.
This is typical Coutada do Macho Latino behaviour and the reason I say stay out of it is, he KNOWS what he's doing. That's why he does it, it pleases him. All his well in his world. She's not ALLOWED money, access to his comp, anything?? Frankly, it repels me and I'd have a hard time even being around him. Kudos to you for your generosity really. He treats her like some low-life servant, he treats her like people nowadays don't even treat their employees, let alone their wives. That is appalling behaviour and shows the sun basically shines out of his morgadinho arse and he is king of the world and the little woman'd better keep her mouth shut, that's what she was raised for.
What was she thinking?? What is she thinking?? Nothing you can say or do will make a difference, people don't act till they're ready and for now, she doesn't sound desperate enough to attempt something. I don't see it improving. He's too much of a bully - he's your friend and I'm sorry but he IS a bully, exerting his powwerf or no good reason other than the fact that he can - to even contemplate changing a thing. Why should he? He has it all.
And you, a woman, younger than him? What, he's going to listen to you? Your place is in the kitchen w the mop as well. And you know he may even FORBID her to see you if you try to stirr things up. he's just the type.
At the end of the day, you can't fight someone's battles for them. We are our onw salvation. The way I see it, she will have to decide
if and when and how she wants to be saved. But it will have to come from her and seriously, what are the odds she'll risk busting her marriage.
I am heartbroken for her, the misery people at times let themsleves into... I hope I haven't offended you, I am simply disgusted. I truly, truly am. Thank God for Zé Maria dahling, him I cherish for how he treats you.
At 4:04 PM,
Ana said…
What really makes me sad is that she knew exactly what she was marrying into. We all knew how it would be, we just thought she would be able to turn him around. Apparently not!
When I tell him something he always says she is very happy the way she is and she has everything she wants. She doesn’t even have to work like I do!!! He actually tells me that!
I can’t imagine not having my money, not having my computer, my independence, my freedom. I guess she never thought these things were as important as I think they are but she is starting to think different. Just not enough to do anything about it just yet.
Oh, and the fact that she’s catholic certainly doesn’t help in the decision making, as you can imagine!
I'll see them tonight and maybe I'll take Martha's advice and tell him she looks sad. But I know it won't really change anything.
At 7:33 AM,
Lioness said…
Yes, it is too sad. People hardly ever change, certainly not when something this huge is involved. Pretty hopeless. I hope you'll have some good news to post. Hope against hope that is.
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