14 year olds
This afternoon my youngest BIL his having his Confirmation and I'll be his godmother. I thought it was really sweet of him to ask me, since he could've asked any one of his 3 brothers and 5 sisters. He was 7 when I started dating his brother and our relationship wasn't always an easy one.
My MIL had her first 8 children within a period 10 years and then she had Pedro 7 years later. So, even though he has 8 siblings, he is almost like an only child and he feels somewhat isolated from his siblings, even though he adores them and admires them. All of his brothers and sisters have graduated from college and are very successful people today. Three are doctors, one is a judge, one is a lawyer, two are engineers and one is a nun with a Business Major. So you can imagine how much of a pressure that is on this kid. He is 14 now and terrified of what will happen if he doesn't succeed as the others did, even though everyone keeps telling him he doesn't have to compare himself to the others.
Zé Maria is his favorite brother and the one who always paid him more attention, played with him, took him camping, etc. So when we started dating, which coincided with him graduating and starting to work, he started spending less time at home, and consequently, less time with Pedro. Let's just say he didn't really like me that much at first. He started having trouble at school after our engagement and by the time we got married he was seeing a child psychiatrist. He was 10 when we got married and he cried the entire time.
Since then things have progressively improved. Sometimes I am the only person who treats him like an adult. He's 14 and he does not want to be treated like a child. I have gained his trust because I trusted him. Last year, when he was only 13, I started leaving R with him while Zé Maria and I went out for a drink (my IL's would be sleeping in the other room, but he still felt like he was given a big responsibility). We created a good, strong relationship and I was so flattered that he asked me to be his godmother today.
But let me tell you, 14 year olds can be complicated as hell! When I said I was pregnant he asked me if my belly would be noticeable at his Confirmation. I said probably not and he said good, because he would be embarrassed in front of his friends (!!!) Then last week he wanted to know what I would be wearing today. He asked me to please not wear anything with flowers, or too colorful, or anything that would draw too much attention! Apparently, he is really terrified that I might embarrass him, can you believe it!! He is too funny.
I will be wearing a red skirt with a flower pattern so let's hope he doesn't get mad!
At 1:45 PM,
Lioness said…
"He was 10 when we got married and he cried the entire time."
I'm a horrible person, this is hysterically funny!
Yes, they can be hard and sometimes you just want to shake them till they come to their senses. But he'll grow. Soon. One hopes.
Anyway, you're Catholics, tell him it was an immaculate conception and NO SEX WHATSOEVER was involved (you might want to choose an euphemism for "sex", the shock could kill him).
Think that'd fly?
At 2:59 PM,
Ana said…
Immaculate Conception?!! You're hysterically funny!
But I don't think his problem is as much the sex part as the me being fat part. He was probably hoping he could make his friends jealous of his (as Tertia would put it) gorgeous and divine sister and law!
At 12:45 AM,
Lioness said…
Fat and pg look different! What will you be wearing BTW? We need pics of the outfit, like, tomorrow! Will you be wearing a hat? I suggest a hat w a really opaque, long veil. Down to your thighs. That way you can be the "mysterious older woman", and your tiny belly will not offend.
And are you kidding me?? He's 14, he's probably got hormones sprouting out of his nostrils! OF COURSE the sex bit is in there somewhere. Not that you'd ever. EVER.
Adolescence. Thank God those days are gone!
At 2:19 PM,
Martha said…
I'm giggling.. ahh to be 14! There minds are hysterically funny to this 30 year old. But at 14, it was a deadly serious matter! You will make an incredible Godmother! Horray to you!
At 2:49 PM,
Jen said…
My stepfather (who's in his 70s now) can still vividly remember being embarrased by his mother when he was 12 or 13 just because she wore a big red hat. Teenagers are crazy.
I do think it's the PG thing, not the fat thing. But you have nothing to worry about. He'll be so worried about all the people looking at HIM that he won't have time to think about you.
Have fun!
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