Another exhausting day
Yesterday when I dropped R off at pre-school, one of the girls in her class was sitting just outside the classroom, apparently in time-out. She was really angry and the teacher kept telling her she could not get up or come in the classroom until she was calm.
Later in the evening, when I was giving R her dinner I asked why Catarina was in time-out. "She has a bad temper" was her answer! A bad temper? Zé Maria and I couldn't stop laughing because of the way she said that, looking so serious. I wonder were she gets these expressions from and how she knows exactly how to use them!
Today I have a meeting in Porto, about 300 km from Lisbon, which means I will have to drive 3 hours each way. I really should consider taking a plane because my OB is not too happy about me driving long stretches with the low placenta and all. But I'm going with my boss and the idea of me taking the plane and him driving is just too much for him.
Then I'll have friends over for an after-dinner coffee tonight. I won't be home until 9 pm so that means Zé Maria will have to make dinner and then get everything ready for the coffee. That should be fun!
14 weeks tomorrow!
At 7:33 PM,
Lioness said…
Did she say "tem mau feitio?" Adorable! Hope the trip didn't wear you out too much.
At 7:37 PM,
sweetisu said…
Hooray 14wks!!! Are you able to breath yet? :-)
At 1:52 AM,
Martha said…
WOW girl.. that is a long drive!!
I LOVE the comments the kids are making now. It really does crack me up!!
At 2:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to bother,but is there any problem in beeing a mother in portuguese?Just curious.Ran into your blog by accident.
Best of luck with your pregnancy!!
At 9:52 AM,
Ana said…
J - yes that's exactly what she said. It was so funny!
Insane in the brain - I'm not sure what you mean. If you are wonderind why I write in English I did explain it in one of my first posts. This site is mainly visited by English speaking friends and the portuguese who visited are confortable too so...
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