It better be a boy now
I am not allowed to pick up R, at least until my next ultrasound. I had no idea how hard it would be! I realise now that I pick her up all the time. I pick her up when I put her to bed, when I take her to the potty, when I dress her, when I give her a bath.
So I have been trying to either avoid doing some of these things, like giving her a bath, or change the way I do them. This morning we both sat on the floor while I was dressing her and putting her shoes on, instead of me picking her up and sitting her on the dresser. And this morning she walked all the way to school, instead of me carrying her part of the way.
She understands that something is different and she keeps asking me to pick her up. That obviously doesn’t make it any easier. I guess we will both have to get used to this new phase and to the idea that she is no longer a baby.
Zé Maria told her the baby’s name is Manel and now she is always repeating it. He just couldn’t help it, and he told everyone we’re having a boy. I really hope it is a boy or she is going to get confused!
I am 13 weeks today. That means I am in the second trimester, supposedly the best part of the pregnancy. I had promised myself I would enjoy every moment of this pregnancy and not wish time would go buy faster. But I guess it just isn’t meant to be that way. I can’t wait for my belly to start growing and for other people to actually notice I’m pregnant. I have all my maternity clothes washed, ironed and ready to use and I can’t wait to start wearing it, even though I most definitely don’t need it yet. And I’m sure once my belly is big I’ll wish the baby was born already so I can have my old body back. Women are just like that, or at least I am.
At 9:59 PM,
Lioness said…
Manel is one of my favourite names, well done! I think women in general are pretty much like that, pregnant or not.
At 3:23 PM,
Kristin said…
Manel is a lovely name for a little boy. Hope you are doing well.
At 3:47 PM,
sweetisu said…
I hope it's a boy!!!
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