And then I get slapped across the face
Last night on the news there was this piece on infertility (thanks Johnny for the tip). The problem seems to be increasing in Portugal, as it is in all developed countries (they call Portugal a developed country, just to give an otherwise gruesome piece a little bit of humour).
They interviewed 3 infertile women, 2 still fighting and one who is currently pregnant with IVF twins.
This piece was focused mainly on the costs of infertility treatments in private clinics. Because there are public hospitals who do fertility treatments for free, if you are willing to wait at least 3 years. Assuming you have waited at least 1 or 2 years to realise you needed treatment in the first place, waiting another 3 is obviously not reasonable. So some of these women give everything they have (and don't have) to private clinics. One of them had her house for sale so she could afford her first IVF. And what if she needs a second one, or even a third one?
I can't begin to described how I felt after seeing this. As I was waiting for this piece to come on (after one and half hours of torture watching news about football, politics and pedophilia) I was expecting to feel sorry for myself, to think about all I have been through this past year. But I didn't. The pain I saw in these women's faces and heard in their shivering voices made me completely forget about my own struggle. All I could do was silently scream over and over again "God, if you have another child planned for me, please, please give it to her. Please".
Because I have a child you see. And not only that, I have a child who was concieved naturally, after 4 months of being off BCP, and who was born after an uneventfull and worryless pregnancy. I have been blessed, so immensely blessed.
Granted I have had some major setbacks since then, I lost two pregnancies and have been trying for #2 for over a year now. But I know I can get pregnant, and I get pregnant from sex, imagine that! I'm 25 and I have a beautiful daughter. I know I will have more children, there's no reason to believe I won't. But even if I don't, I will never ever know what it is like to spend years longing for a child, not knowing if you can even get pregnant, putting all your emotional and financial efforts in a battle that you may just lose in the end. I should be more grateful of what I was given.
At 1:49 PM,
Lioness said…
I think there should be enough babies for everyone, considering some women just keep pupping in the most abysmal circumstances - but thats is terribly generous of you and I'm proud, dahling! I also believe, considering your medical history, that you will get pg naturally again and have more babies. You say you've always been skinny, and even though you put on some weight, sometimes the reserves are not enough and it may still be recovering. Thoughts from vet school, dismiss at will.
They broke my heart as well. And you know what? It wasn't a bad one but the reporter could have muhco profited from reading some of your blogs. It is amazing that we have 20-30% of infertility. That is a horrendously big percentage! And the one who got pg after TWENTY yars? I suppose it took her that long to relax, some people should just take up yoga... Maybe I should call TVI and leave my contact and give them the URLs for some blogs? Not yours bcs I don't know if you'd like that. I think they could profit from all of you.
And this: "they call Portugal a developed country, just to give an otherwise gruesome piece a little bit of humour" - PRICELESS! And you say you can't write...
At 2:22 PM,
Ana said…
J, thanks again for the tip, I would've missed it otherwise.
Yes, 20-30% is a terrifying percentage, I had no idea there was so much! It's heartbreaking really.
At 2:24 PM,
Ana said…
Oh and yes, I think it would be good if they had the urls to some of the blogs. In fact, I think everyone should read them.
At 2:34 PM,
Martha said…
Ana... You have an amazing heart! Amidst your pain you have found prayer and sympathy for others. You are blessed, you have an amazing husband and daughter. You are deeply loved by many. However, that does not take away from your longing. God has taught me that some of the best gifts are the ones we had to struggle, pray, and fight to get. Keep your faith, your time is coming.
At 3:21 PM,
Kristin said… is obvious just how deeply grateful you are for what you have. That does not mean that you can't mourn what you've lost or been unable to achieve. I am so deepley appreciative of what I do have but I truly do mourn the babies I've lost and I mourn the loss of innocence and naivety I had before I climbed on the Secondary Infertilty super highway.
At 6:54 PM,
Lioness said…
Ana, preciso de ajuda, a Tertia pediu-me para ver preços dos vibrating bouncers seats e do Fisher Price Aquarium Bouncer, eu tinha-me oferecido para os encomendar eu, e reenviar. Mas o amazon não envia para aqui, e no site do Toys r us não encontro nada, sabes de alguma loja que os tenha?
At 12:47 AM,
Lioness said…
Já não é preciso, obrigada, bjc.
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