Oh my, I'm famous!
What on earth happened this weekend? Since I last checked my statcounter on Friday I have had more "first time visitors" then ever since I installed said counter. I've had visitors from 9 different countries on all 5 continents. Why? Don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, I think it rocks actually. But why?
Could it be because of the link in Which Surprised Her.? Well, I had no idea J's blog was getting this much attention. It certainly deserves all of it, she is absolutely great, but wow. I'm amazed.
I must admit though that I'm feeling a little awkward about this. I feel I may not be writing only for my friends to read. There might be total strangers reading this. I mean come on people, I write bad, really bad. And english isn't even my mother language so I imagine it must come out even worst than I think. I'm flattered that you came here and you are welcome to come back (and comment since you're at it) but I don't expect my returning visitors count to match the first time visitors any time soon.
At 2:23 PM,
Lioness said…
Sua tonta, you DO write well, you write in a genuine manner, we learn in all honesty what you're going through, plus English may not be your mother language but you do a superb job, don't be daft, you silly Portie! As for referrals from me, well, the sitemetre should tell you where they come from, mine does, and maybe people are also finding you through Next Blog or word of mouth. It takes a while for a blog to take off you know.
And w google you can also look for images, that's how I find my wee treasures.
At 2:36 PM,
Lioness said…
Oh sorry, forgot: that bizarre feeling that strangers may read you? In the beginning all I had were strangers, my friends couldn't be bothered. Actually, I didn't even KNOW I had strangers bcs it took me over a month to catch on to the sitemetre thing. But remember my anonymity issues? You will process it all and loose the uneasiness, with time. And, and this is brilliant, you will most likely make NEW friends. Isn't that mind-blowing?
At 3:22 PM,
Ana said…
Well, it should tell me where they came from but most say "no referring link" . I'm guessing they didn't just remember to type in lisbonmama.blogspot to see what happened.
Yes, it is mind-blowing how I have made new friends online, some of my great friends in fact!
At 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Ana,
It's Emily (from FTM's board) I just stumbled on your site looking at sleep the comments on "so Close."
I was wondering about you recentsly, so it's great to find you here. I'm sorry to see in your profile that you have had another miscarriage.
I hope the rest of your journey to #2 is easier and happier. Good Luck!
Emily with William (20 months)
At 7:44 PM,
sirbarrett said…
HAHA HA! The blogmonster is here to comment as a stranger HA HA HA! I came here and you do not know me! HA! I was brought in with the storm, an Anglo, but you cannot stop me! I have read many things, MANY THINGS, and seen many lands oh yes, but this blog is good, good to EAT!!! HAHA HA! You can speak english very well, and your coverage of situations is very entertaining.
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