I wish I could write something really funny and witty. I have tried. I started writing this countless times but it never comes out the way I want it to. I'm feeling... how can I describe it? Empty I guess.
I'm empty.
My husband and I have made plans for our life, like every couple does. We are not career-driven people, we don't have expensive habits (except travelling), we don't have ambicious goals.
When we started making more money we didn't start going out for dinner more often, we didn't buy a fancy car, we didn't buy expensive clothes. We bought a 4 bed-room house and a van.
We will have to redefine our life, our goals, our dreams, if we cannot have more children. We have prepared ourselves to have a big family, we have built our lives around that concept and now I just don't know how we will ever be able to change everything.
Of course there is a big probability that it won't come to that. I'm 25 and healthy, as far as we know. I will probably be able to have more children and one day I will look back and wonder why I ever wrote this. But right now I can't help feeling like I will never make it.
It's been well over a year since we started trying for a second child and so far we are left with 2 miscarriages and many scars which I'm afraid will never heal. I feel like such a failure. Some of my friends who got married around the same time we did now have 2 and some even 3 children. And I feel less of a woman next to them.
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Huge hugs to you. You are not a failure no matter what you feel like right now. I can tell you from experience that the scars will heal, they will leave an imprint, but you will be a whole person again. I know I don't have ahuge presence on the boards, but want you to know I am praying for you and your family. 8 years ago I wrote something very similar after I had a stillborn son at 21 weeks. It took over a year for me to get pregnant again and I was devistated. When I did get pregnant, I too had a miscarriage. The next month was not good for me. Then I got pregnant again and have gone on to have 3 children. I am telling you this to let you know that these feelings are so normal and because I cry everytime I read this post from you. The feelings are stil there, under the surface and they show through when something like it happens to someone you care about! Thinking of you and you family and praying that you too continue on to have a beautiful family. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please let me know.
Tina Fanjoy
At 2:41 PM,
Ana said…
I'm so sorry for all you went through, I had no idea. Thanks for sharing this with me and caring about me. It means alot!
At 3:06 PM,
Lioness said…
Oh Ana, não! Nem pensar! Nothing I'll say could convince you otherwise bcs that's inevitably how one feels. So I won't even try. And I will not tell you to have hope bcs that'll come in its own time as well. I'm just so sorry you feel this broken, and pray that the way you feel will change soon. Big kiss.
At 3:35 PM,
Ana said…
Johnny how are you doing? I was getting worried about you. Hope you feel lilke writing again soon.
At 6:36 PM,
sweetisu said…
Take as much time to heal as you need to. It has not been easy. You don't have to write about funny and witty things if that's not what you're feeling. We will not suddenly stop reading, gosh no. Take good care of yourself and your family. In time, this will hurt less, I promise.
At 9:23 PM,
Lioness said…
Well I'm good, denial still going fierce, fine by me. Actually, Tertia's troll - yes - kicked me into action again - and you figure in it! Yes you do!
At 3:55 PM,
Kristin said…
Ana...I am so very sorry to read about what you have gone through. I know first hand how heartbreaking and scary secondary infertility is...I have two beautiful boys but I've been pregnant 10 times. Nothing will make you feel better right now but I promise that time dies dull the pain. If you need to talk to someone who has been in your shoes, please feel free to email me. I'm happy to lend a shoulder for you to cry on if you need it.
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