It's a funny thing, hope.
You know, rationally and realistically, that something is not going to happen, yet you still have hope. Hope is a damn hard to die little bugger.
You see, Grrl went through something similar (well, not her, Sarah, but that's not my point). There was blood, and clots. But she ended up with two heartbeats nontheless. So, you see, there could still be hope for me.
I was suposed to go for an ultrasound today but the doctor will only be there tomorrow. So hope will only die tomorrow. And then I will tell myself how stupid I was to have hoped even after I knew it couldn't happen.
At 4:53 PM,
Lioness said…
[HATE Blogger!]
I think hope is good, hope is healthy and unavoidable, hope paradoxically gives your body and mind a chance to come to grips w the notion that maybe there is no hope at all. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. I'm with you, appendixes variably crossed.
At 6:55 PM,
sweetisu said…
Oh Ana. You brave soul.
I truly hope the ultrasound will reveal something positive.
Holding your hands.
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