Ultimate Irony or how God has a dark sense of humor
Yesterday we met with our friends for coffee after dinner to plan our vacation. We decided we are going to California in April. I am so looking forward to this trip. Travelling is really the only thing that completely takes my mind off things. And I will probably get to meet some of my dear friends for the first time.
This morning I went to tell my boss I was planning a trip in April and he says I can go on vacation whenever I want except in September because his wife is having a baby then. I was floored, I quickly mumbled congratulations and ran to the bathroom to avoid a public meltdown. I so wanted to tell him too bad, cause I'm having a baby in September too. But I'm not. I'm not.
At 12:30 PM,
Ana said…
Michelle is that baby still there? Shouldn't you be in labor by now LOL
We will probably have to fligh to S Francisco via New York so if I have enough time to go to the city I'll let you know and we can meet. I would love that!
At 5:15 PM,
Lioness said…
Too bad you didn't think to say "Oh really??? THAT is a major achievement for you on such a very small penis - or so the story goes around the water cooler!" Maybe next time? Because we can always count on a next time can't we? HA! And wasn't this the boss who was v understanding? Or am I fusing wires here? Oh well, CONGRATS on the trip, something to look forward to and yes, it will be brilliant, and TRAVEL LIGHT bcs you know, books and clothes - I found the cutest pair of shoes in the Salvation Army, NEVER USED of course, for abt $9 CAN, which is what, 5 Euros? And cute jumpers as well, NEVER WORN. HA!!! So after exams you could come visit and meet my menagerie and see my lair, how abt that? Let's go wild. Much much love!
PS - Technically, you could still have a baby around that same time. You know,there's one sperm cell, one egg, they meet, they fancy each other, who knows... Here's to successful bonking, dahling!
At 5:20 PM,
Ana said…
Yes, this is the boss who is v understanding and he has no way of knowing what I just went through. But he does have a daughter younger than R and his now having another one and that I just cannot forgive him.
Let me know when the exams are over.
At 5:44 PM,
Lioness said…
Oh right, sorry abt that boss. One gets so protective the innocent get burnt. Still, it would have been enough to just say he needed you in September, fullstop. The 6th of February, if I don't throw myself in the river till then.
At 6:19 PM,
sweetisu said…
A trip to CA! I *heart* CA. It has absolutely the best weather, and the best food. Have a fabulous time!
Sorry about the boss deal. Isn't that too soon to be announcing to everyone..perhaps they're like me during the first 2 times, blissfully ignorant of what *could* happen. I'm sorry you had to endure that so soon.
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