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Yesterday we went out with my best friend and her husband. Both kids (ours and theirs) stayed with the grandparents.
It has been so long since we went out with only adults I had forgotten how good it his, how much fun it is. We really should do this more often, and we always promise we will.
This is one of the reasons I would like to have all my kids close in age. So that we could enjoy these wonderful times with all of them together but also be done with the bad part of it (yes, there is a bad part to it). I used to say I wanted to be done having kids by the time I was 30, back when I was still convinced I could plan everything. I am a planner you know, I like to think I know exactly what my life is going to be like in 5 years. But I don't. I would have had a small baby now if things went according to plan.
Anyway, I digress. We went to see this movie and then we had a drink at a pub close by. The movie was really good, v. v. funny. I really don't understand why the porties (I stole this one too hehe) don't like portuguese movies. Actually, it's not that they don't like them, they don't even watch them, they just assume they are bad and prefer to watch shitty movies, as long as their american. Don't get me wrong, I love good american movies, but I also love good portuguese movies and this one was really good.
Tonight I have my office's Christmas Party. That should be fun.
At 3:05 PM,
Ana said…
I guess that could be an implantation dip on cd 6. And if my temps stay as high as this morning it could be considered triphasic.
Yes, I am totally obsessing again. Oh well...
At 2:48 AM,
Lioness said…
Hey, at least you could link to the Amazing Creator of the Word Portie, uh? *KICK*
I'll forgive you bcs of the tri-something, sounds like brilliant news!!! Were it not for that, you'd be GONE, I tell you, G.O.N.E. ;D
At 9:39 AM,
Ana said…
I actually thought you wouldn't want it, since you asked me to take the link from the side bar. I will however always link when I mention you from now on, promise!
At 9:18 PM,
Lioness said…
Sua tola, estava a brincar!!! I am now over this anon thing really, it's all in Fate's hands. ;)
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