No wonder I am stressed, and skinny.
Yesterday I had to take R to the ped to see if she is all better and can go back to school.
This child has been crying every day because she wants to go to school. On Saturday I told her she wouldn't have to stay with the nanny, because Mommy and Daddy were staying with her, and she still wanted to go to school, and the same on Sunday. Are we such boring parents that our child would rather go to school than stay with us? It's rather depressing actually, but alas, children are expected to be ungrateful.
Anyway, back to the ped. Se told me to be there a little before 3 pm so she would just check her before she started her appointments at 3. I was there at 2.50 pm and the nurse tells me I will have to wait because there are 3 newborns that get seen first and then 3 or 4 other children before us. I tell her the doc told me to be there a little before 3pm and she says "well, she says that to everyone".
Now I'm really getting mad because I have tons of things to do at work and I just cannot waste the entire afternoon. I tell the nurse I am leaving and coming back at around and she proceeds to say "well, do as you want but it will probably be worse by then". Well, whatever but right now I have to go back to work.
So I went back at 7 pm, waited and waited and we finally got in at 8.30 pm. By then R was hungry, tired and cranky but when the doctor said she could go back to school she was all happy again.
Why do doctors have to be like this? I hate going to the doctor, I hate hate hate waiting.
Anyway, R is all better and was thrilled when I dropped her off at school this morning. And I have been trying to write this for over an hour because my dahling boss is calling me from Italy every 5 minutes. He must be secretly in love with me or something. Tomorow is a holiday, thank God!
At 12:58 PM,
Lioness said…
Yey,some days are better over innit! 2005 is almost here, I like uneven numbers, LET THAT BE A SIGN of blessings (and bounty?) to come! (and very happy to see my "dahling" infecting the blogosphere, dahling! Such fun to be viral!)
At 4:24 PM,
Lioness said…
BTW, my URL has a hyphen instead of an underscore now, people were complaining
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