Can I go to bed yet?
It's only 3 pm and I'm dying to go back to bed already.
Today is R's Christmas party at the daycare and she had to wear light blue tights. Of course, the only ones she has had a whole in them when she put them on this morning. So I had to go to the store and buy a new pair and bring them to the daycare at lunch time.
Then I tried to go to the doctor (also at lunch time) because my hands are numb and they have been numb for over a month and it is going all the way up to my elbow now. But of course the doctor could only see me in January, or if I want I can wait the whole fucking day for her to have a spare couple of minutes to see me. So I will have to go back after Christmas, during my vacation, when I can actually spend the entire day there waiting.
Then I had to go to the employment center to get a paper that says I am interested in hiring a foreign citizen to work as a housekeeper for me. I am trying to bring my housekeeper's sister from Cabo Verde where she can't find a job and in order to do so I have to lie and tell them (who is them? the government I guess) that I am going to hire her, which I have no intention of doing... but we will think about that once she gets here. So now I have a paper that says I have declared my intentions to the employment center, which I now have to deliver in some government agency who will give me yet another paper which I will then deliver to the immigration services which will then give me a paper to send to the portuguese embassy in Cabo Verde allowing them to give the girl a work visa. This will probably take a lifetime... can you say nightmare??
I have a meeting in 15 minutes and then I have to run to R's Christmas party so she isn't the only poor kid whose parents are not there. Don't the other mothers do anything? They are always there on time, they don't mind spending hours talking to the teacher every morning and they look so dam relaxed. I, on the other hand, look like a stressed out crazy woman.
Oh and then there's my bil's birthday dinner party this evenning, with all 14 of us and R will get all excited and will take hours to go to sleep once we finally. do. get. home.
At 11:03 PM,
Lioness said…
Oh hell, bloody hell really, poor you. Poor poor you. And the burocr - can't even spell it, mind went numb!!! Have you thought abt acupuncture for hand? V good w nerve and nerve damage. Well, here's to things getting better soon!
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