My family
I have often spoken about my husband's family but never about mine. Granted, I don't have 8 siblings and my parent's house is not a nut house but still they deserve a few words.
My Mom was (is?) infertile. Being infertile is not something you stop being once you sucessfully concieve a child. It marks you, it defines you for the rest of your life. Maybe this is why being infertile (which I am most definitely not, having been pregnant twice in 3 years) was always my biggest fear. Anyway, after 7 years of trying to concieve my Mom misteriously got pregnant and when she was 8 months along the doctor informed her she was having twins. My sister and I were born the next day. My Mom never got pregnant again.
My Mom (with me in the picture) is the most beautiful woman I have ever met and I find it profoundly unfair that I did not inherit her beauty. This is a picture of the 3 of us 24 years ago. What else can I say about her? I wish I could be half as good a mother to R as she was to us and I can only hope that R will love me half as much as I love her.
My sister and I have always been best friends, and we still are. Having a twin sister has been the biggest blessing I had in my life and has defined me as a person. We share a kind of love no one else can understand. This is why I wish I could have given R a sister closer in age.
Then there's my Dad. This is a picture of him and R a few days after she was born . He is the kindest man ever and R is absolutely in love with him. There is no one in the world she loves better then him.
At 9:23 PM,
Lioness said…
Do you know, I used to pester my parents to give me a twin BROTHER, sadly they couldn't. Have always been obsessed w twins, especially bg. Go figure. Some researchers claim it's bcs I did indeed have one, who was absorbed/miscarried in utero. I've also always wanted to HAVE twins but not so much anymore, after learning more and more about all that can go wrong. Oh well, who knows?
Your mum link won't open, and neither does the WE one. LOVED the pics, love getting to know people and their families, isn't it the best??? Are you the one on the left on your baby pic?
At 10:58 AM,
Ana said…
I think they are working now. And yes I am the one on the left, how did you know?
At 12:33 PM,
Lioness said…
I could tell! Tenho bom olhómetro. ;) (já funcionam agora, sim)
At 10:31 AM,
Ana said…
Thanks for remembering R's b-day and for thinking of me. You are a great friend.
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