The Wedding - Season 3, Episode I
First of all, about the school dilemma, I think we have decided on the smaller school. We still have the interview with the bigger school scheduled for next Friday but we’re pretty much set on the other one. It is a bit further from home and more expensive but it makes me feel more… reassured, if you know what I mean.
Next Saturday is my younger SIL’s wedding. This time there has been no major drama around the wedding, except for the fact that she got engaged only 3 months ago so everything had to be arranged in a bit of a hurry. But it is the third wedding in 2 years so we’ve become quite the pros at it. I paid for yet another wedding dress which is also becoming a tradition. Thankfully there is only one single SIL left (excluding the nun, for obvious reasons).
But surely you noticed I said no “major” drama. There always has to be some drama in this family. This time it involves my older BIL.
I’m not sure if I ever told you about it, but my older BIL (the one who got the kidney transplant 2 years ago. yes, it’s been 2 years already!) has a girlfriend. This should be good news, since it’s his first girlfriend and he seems to be serious about it. But it’s not. To make a long story short, she is an illegal immigrant who used to be my MIL’s housekeeper and the family is just not happy about it. Not. Happy. At. All.
And why, I hear you asking, is the family not happy about this true Cinderella fairy tale? I know it sounds terribly prejudiced, but she just has absolutely nothing to do with him, in any and every way you can possibly look at it. And one really couldn’t expect my in-laws to be thrilled about their son dating the housekeeper, the non-catholic housekeeper to make things even better.
Anyway, this relationship has been going on for quite awhile now and BIL asked that she be invited to the wedding. He says its time for her to meet the family (of course, she has met the family, when she was the housekeeper) and to start coming to family events. And my MIL did invite her, even though you can see it makes her miserable. ZM doesn’t even like to talk about it and my FIL doesn’t acknowledge the fact that she even exists. This should be fun!
At 8:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my... well, now, this should be interesting to watch! And, wow, I am shocked to learn it's been 2 years since the transplant! Looking forward to the next episode.
At 9:09 AM,
Lioness said…
Gosh, your family never disappoint do they. I know it's unkind of me but I too can't wait to learn more. Being a Portie myself and knowing how we are I can actually understand, the social awkwardness alone must be horrid and if she has nothing in common with your BIL (2 years?? Wow and woot!) this is bound to not end so well. I hope it does end well but - oof. I think it's terribly generous of your in-laws to have invited her, they're so set in their ways it can't have been easy. (Do you think him being a man makes a difference?)
As for schools, congrats on the decision, at the end of the day you need to do whatever you feel is best for your children. Don't the smallbuses pick up children anymore though? Mine used to but maybe things have changed. What am I saying, loads has!
At 9:05 AM,
Ana said…
Yes, it definitly makes a difference that he's a boy. Always has, since they were kids, my SILs tell me.
Also, small buses do pick kids up from school, for about 100 euros per month per kid.
At 11:25 AM,
Lioness said…
Well yes, I imagine if one of the girls had decided to start seeing the gardener things would be far worse, can't see him being invited in this scenario. Do you think it migth be some sort of late rebellion, since his health was too poor for so long for it to have happened at the right time? I can't imagine it's not awkward for him as well often, and can't help but wonder if she'd still be as attractive to him if the family weren't so aggravated by it, it was a sure thing. True love may conquer all (though not really) but in Portieland it's just too - surreal, the whole thing is a bit surreal, yes.
100 euros per month per child, how very reasonable. Somehow I, in my blessed naivité, thought it was free, petrol growing on trees as we know...
At 1:20 AM,
Lilian said…
Wow... what a drama, even not so big! I'm glad you're blogging about it even though I'm royally late to read it. Now I have to go read the other posts.
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