I'm back!
I can’t believe it’s been 7 months since I last posted! I can’t even believe it’s been 7 months since we went skiing! I sometimes feel my life is escaping me, seriously.
Work has been crazy these past few months, and I don’t even remember having had a decent vacation this summer. At work I never have time to write a coherent sentence to post here and lately I don’t even have time to put up a couple of pictures now and then. It seems to have calmed down a bit now, though, so I’ll give this blog another try. That is, if anyone still reads it.
I’ll start with a quick update, and we’ll see how things go from there.
Kids: Rosarinho is turning 5 in December and she’s become a young lady. She’s not a baby anymore and she really enjoys her role as a big sister. Manel turned 2 last week and he’s the most cheerful and easy going child you could ever imagine. They really are what keeps me going everyday!
ZM: I have the best husband in the world. We had our 6th anniversary earlier this month and we’ll be celebrating with an 8 day trip to Italy I November. I can’t wait!
Me: I had a Chron’s Disease crisis last April and lost 15 lbs. My weight has been stable in 101 lbs since then, but the doctor seems to think it’s not enough and that I should try to gain at least 4 lbs. The crazy work isn’t helping in that department and I forget to eat all the time. ZM thinks I look great, of course.
That’s about it for now. Tomorrow I’ll post pictures of the summer vacation (we did have a vacation, it was just so short and interrupted with work related issues I don’t even remember it anymore).
Work has been crazy these past few months, and I don’t even remember having had a decent vacation this summer. At work I never have time to write a coherent sentence to post here and lately I don’t even have time to put up a couple of pictures now and then. It seems to have calmed down a bit now, though, so I’ll give this blog another try. That is, if anyone still reads it.
I’ll start with a quick update, and we’ll see how things go from there.
Kids: Rosarinho is turning 5 in December and she’s become a young lady. She’s not a baby anymore and she really enjoys her role as a big sister. Manel turned 2 last week and he’s the most cheerful and easy going child you could ever imagine. They really are what keeps me going everyday!
ZM: I have the best husband in the world. We had our 6th anniversary earlier this month and we’ll be celebrating with an 8 day trip to Italy I November. I can’t wait!
Me: I had a Chron’s Disease crisis last April and lost 15 lbs. My weight has been stable in 101 lbs since then, but the doctor seems to think it’s not enough and that I should try to gain at least 4 lbs. The crazy work isn’t helping in that department and I forget to eat all the time. ZM thinks I look great, of course.
That’s about it for now. Tomorrow I’ll post pictures of the summer vacation (we did have a vacation, it was just so short and interrupted with work related issues I don’t even remember it anymore).
At 2:49 AM,
Lilian said…
Welcome back, Ana!! I'm still around.
I'm so sorry that you've been sick. I had bad IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) attacks last year, but I've been better lately. I'm sorry your work is so hectic that you can't find time to post. Our lives have been crazy this spring and summer too. I know you're busy, so I'll sum it up for you, OK, in Portuguese.
1) meu marido conseguiu um emprego com uma indústria farmacêutica e nós começamos a procurar casa pra nos mudarmos (1h de distância, ainda na região de Philadelphia).
2) tivemos uma oferta em uma casa aceita, mas tivemos que desistir da mesma porque o visto de trabalho dele estava demorando DEMAIS a ficar pronto.
3) eu viajei ao Brasil em julho com os meninos para ir a dois congressos acadêmicos e aproveitamos para tirar uns dias de férias em Caldas Novas (águas quentes).
4) ao voltar nossa casa foi vendida e nós decidimos rapidamente comprar outra. Ficamos uma semana sem casa neste ínterim. Nos mudamos e a casa é velha e precisa de muitas reformas.
5) meu marido perdeu o emprego dia 31 de outubro, 2 meses depois de começar na empresa. Não sabemos ainda o que será do nosso futuro...
é isso aí. Espero que você consiga continuar escrevendo de vez em quando! Estava com saudades de ler seus posts.
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