The Wedding - Season 2, Episode II
Things have not improved since I last wrote. In fact, if anything, they have gotten worse. My FIL still refuses to meet “a man who, at night, will sleep in my daughter’s bed”. My MIL has made it her personal crusade to convince him to let SIL and P come to dinner but so far all it’s gotten her was some serious fights. She tries to tell him that they do want to make it right, and he should be like the Father in the Prodigal Son story, and even Jesus dined with the publicans, etc. I have even offered my house (and got into a fight with my husband) for a family reunion, if being in neutral territory would make FIL more comfortable. But there seems to be nothing we can say to convince him.
And so SIL is starting to consider asking one of her brothers to walk her down the aisle. How sad is that?
Tomorrow we start looking for a wedding dress. This time I won’t have enough money to give her the dress as I gave my other SIL (with the trip to Brazil, the trip to Israel and the first dress…), but I kinda get the feeling she’s expecting me to, so I’ll have to find a subtle way to let her know I won’t. She’s been complaining that my in-laws spent all their money on my other SIL’s wedding and now there’s none left for hers, and she doesn’t want the flower girls to wear the same dresses …this is not going to be easy.
At 12:11 AM,
L said…
I hope you can manage to tell her and that your FIL comes around...
Shellee's suggestion makes me smile - Shellee, in Ana's father-in-law's view it is as if they have already eloped, getting married in church would supposedly "make it right," but he's not even happy with that because they're living together
It gets so complicated, doesn't it! At least we can enjoy your posts about it.
At 1:11 AM,
Lioness said…
It IS like a soap opera of sorts but with no fun for those involved. I feel so sorry for SIL and P, but also for your FIL. What a small world he lives in, he must be in the greatest of pains.
How abt one of the other thousand siblings offers her the dress? They are legion after all and I cannot imagine you and ZM are the only ones making money in the family. Even if they all have to get together for it - "make a little cow", you know. She certainly seems to be the one who needs it the most, I don't think the parents will do a thing. But really, it's all so unreasonable, the odds are against her anyway and she MUST have new dresses for the flower girls? How abt a simple solution like changing them with ribbons?
At 5:52 AM,
JoeinVegas said…
Is it a tradition that SILs give the brides a dress? Haven't heard that one before, maybe from a blood relative, but not an in-law.
Good idea - have them elope. If they can fly to Vegas we'll put them in our guest room for a week and arrange for Elvis to perform the ceremony.
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