From Porto - Part I
I'm in Porto already, and I have internet access, which is a good surprise. I'll be here all week, supervising a data room, which basicly means surfing the internet while looking really really busy.
As for Manel’s situation, I must say I’m much calmer now than I was when I first read the x-ray report. What it says is that his head is abnormally shaped (but we knew that just from looking at it right?) and that this abnormality can be related to an abnormal development of the brain (I’m not sure if “related” means it can cause said abnormal development or can be caused by it). It’s their job to say what the worse scenario is, but both M’s pediatrician and the pediatric surgeon said they think it’s nothing. And my gut instinct tells me the same. Anyway, a good friend of my SIL’s is a neuro-radiologist and I called her up. She will do the MRI on Saturday, and we’ll clear this up. The problem is, Manel will have to be sedated for this. I know it’s only a mild sedation, not nearly a general anesthetic, but still, the idea of my baby being put under is scary as hell. But we’ll live through it, and I’m sure everything will be fine.
At 2:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey lady
I will praying for your little one. Tiff told me what was going on. You are a strong woman...I'll pray for the Virgin Mary to give you strength through this too.
At 12:57 AM,
Lioness said…
Hi sweetums. For what is worth, mild sedation means he will feel sleepy and drowsy and will not feel like moving or be capable of, which is what is needed for MRI, absolute immobility. He won't be exactly out under. Still scary as the bloody hell though and I'm so sorry you have to go through this but it's much harder on the parents than the little ones - and that's exactly the way it should be.
Surf joyously!
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