Lisbon Mama

A portuguese mom parenting two

Monday, July 04, 2005

Home sick

We moved into my parents’ house yesterday and this morning 5 men started working at our house.

I never thought it would be so hard for me to move out of my house and in with my parents. I mean, I had a great childhood and youth, I love my parents and I actually had a hard time moving out when I got married. Those first few weeks/months after the wedding were hard for me because I had no desire to leave my parents’ house if it wasn’t to get married to the man I loved. Not that usual for a twenty-one year old who always lived with her parents is it? Usually girls that age can’t wait to have their own house. I didn’t.

But now, 4 years later, having to move back in for only 3 weeks really depressed me. I love my house, I enjoy my time alone with my daughter and my husband so much. Last night as we were going to bed I almost felt like crying. I know it sounds ridiculous and I can always pin it on the pregnancy hormones. But the fact is I really, really wanted to be in my house, in my bed.
My parents’ house has gotten so cluttered. I wonder if it was always like that and I just never noticed. My husband is the neatest, most organized man I have ever known. Our house is always almost excessively tidy and clean. And I realize I learned that from him, I just never realized how much it had become a part of who I am. And I’m seriously bothered by the untidiness of my parents’ house now (not that they are unusually untidy, it’s us that are unusually tidy) and it makes me want to go back home even more.

I guess missing one’s home and the intimacy with one’s husband and family is a good thing right? My friends all say I’m lucky to be with my parents’ for awhile because they’ll help out with R and I’ll get some rest before the craziness begins (the surgery, the baby, etc). But I just want these 3 weeks to fly by (really, really praying it doesn’t turn out to be more) so I can go back home. Am I weird?


  • At 1:45 PM, Blogger Lioness said…

    I'm back in the game, sort of.

    No you're not weird. I can't imagine having to live w my parents again, or at anyone else's house really. We become accustomed to a place and it becomes us. That's perfectly normal.

    Zé Maria is welcome to, in his spare time which surely abounds, come over and sort my papers. Oh, and fold the laundry. And cook, if he is so inclined. He would SO love my shedding dog.

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger K|nneret said…

    You're not weird at all. I love my parents but after 2 days ... ack. And they're coming for several days this week. Yowza. J is cleaning the carpets in their honour ;)

  • At 3:53 PM, Blogger Martha said…

    Not weird at all! I love my space, my stuff, my way!! LOL... Hugs girl.. hope the time fly's by!

  • At 9:08 PM, Blogger JoeinVegas said…

    Just appreciate that you do have a place to go back to - count the days, let's start - 21, 20 ...


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